“The barbarous attack has revealed what the Republic has long tried to silence or deny: schools have become a battlefield,” commented the German weekly Die Zeit.
The reaction of the German Teachers Union was also worrying: there was talk of an atmosphere of intimidation of teachers in some of the country’s schools with a large number of immigrants from Muslim countries. There is a cultural struggle for the minds of young people and therefore for the future of Western European society.
“Clearly there are enemies of the Republic who are against the Republic, which also means against the school, because the school is the backbone of the Republic,” French Education Minister Jean-Michel Blanquer said after the attack. And President Emmanuel Macron resolutely proclaimed: “They will not pass!”, Promising to take the toughest measures to stop the spread of Islamization.
This phrase echoes the slogan of the Spanish Civil War ‘they will not pass’, but the question really is: Is it not true that they have been here a long time? Isn’t it too late to cut off a teacher’s head for teaching under the program? What if ISIS atrocities did not take place in Syria or Iraq, but in your own backyard? ”Martina Meister, a Paris correspondent for Die Welt, asked painful questions.
Obviously, there are enemies of the Republic who are against the Republic, which also means against the school, because the school is the backbone of the Republic.
Jean-Michel Blanquer
Fatva to the teacher for teaching under the program.
Konflan St. Honorine, eighteen-year-old Islamist, 47-year-old Islamist near Paris, was assassinated for teaching teachers the freedom to transmit to their students the principle of France: blasphemy in the secular Republic is not a crime, it is part of French democracy.
After 2015 in January, jihadists killed 12 people in the editorial office of Charlie Hebdo, a satirical magazine that published cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad, and the country’s Ministry of National Education urged teachers to talk about it in lessons. on freedom of expression and opinion.
History teacher S. Paty was cautious in his lesson, which, according to Paris anti-terror prosecutor Jean-François Ricard, was “Freedom of expression and its limits”: before showing the cartoons, he warned students not to they wanted to see them drop out of class because there weren’t. the duty to look at images that may offend religious sentiments.
Increasingly fanatics, a student’s father and well-known Islamist Abdelhakim Sefrioui, who had previously lobbied school authorities, preached a religious conviction to the teacher on video, allegedly “on behalf of the French Imam Council.”
The sentence was carried out by an eighteen-year-old Chechen, who was born in Moscow and arrived in France with his refugee family 12 years ago.
A picture of Samuel Paty
The warnings of the inspector of the Ministry of Education did not want to be heard
In 2004, the inspector of the Ministry Jean-Pierre Obin prepared a study on the growing influence of Islamists in the schools of the Republic. At the time, however, its author was described as a “troublemaker.”
A few weeks ago, a new J.-P. Obin’s book, “How Islam Was Allowed To Penetrate Schools” reports Die Zeit.
Almost half of J.-P. The teachers Obin interviewed admitted to “self-censorship out of fear” when discussing religion and freedom of expression with students of the Muslim faith.
In elementary schools, they fear their parents’ reactions, and in older classes they fear their own reactions. Teachers, according to a former ministry inspector, are unprepared for such an encounter with radicalized students and their families during their studies.
The French school is the institution in which the French are trained, because the French are not born, they become French, they learn the French language, they assimilate its culture, – explained French writer Cécile Wajsbrot to German radio Deutschlandfunk after the attack.
However, it is increasingly difficult for teachers to transmit these binding moral values, “they are fought for them more and more fiercely”, and in the face of these trends, the feeling of helplessness that has engulfed French society is evident, testified the Writer.
Faced with this all-encompassing patriarchal force, teachers feel powerless and it not only saddens me, it seems very dangerous to me. I am ashamed to see that a school whose task is to develop people who think about themselves from children and young people can no longer do that task.
Lale Akgun
German Teachers Union warns: teachers are being bullied
According to Kurt Edler, longtime president of the German Society for Democratic Pedagogy, German educators face similar problems. Teachers are a particularly vulnerable target group who have not been trained to defend themselves against this Islamism, he told Die Welt newspaper, unfortunately without giving specific prescriptions on what the defense could look like.
“We are extremely concerned about the development of an atmosphere of intimidation in Germany”, which increasingly hampers teachers in their task of transmitting values and democracy, said Heinz-Peter Meidinger, president of the German Teachers’ Union.
“In schools with a large number of students with relevant migratory backgrounds, teachers are under special pressure”, both from the parents of the students and from the students themselves. Therefore, it is not surprising that one begins to act with “the scissors on the head”, that one or the other teacher considers whether it would not be better to avoid difficult topics to avoid attacks “.
Pasak H.-P. In Meidinger, Germany, many colleagues would not dare to mention the Muhammad cartoons as an example in a lesson on freedom of expression and art.
These problems are not new, but they have intensified since 2015
The country’s leaders and the public were to be shaken by Christian Pfeiffer, a criminology professor in 2018. A 2006 study revealed: up to 20 percent. Christian Pfeiffer / Dirk Baier / Sören Kliem: “Zur Entwicklung der Gewalt in Deutschland. Schwerpunkte: Jugendliche und Flüchtlinge als Täs”.
President of the German Union of Teachers H.-P. In an interview with the daily Bild two years ago, Meidinger acknowledged that in some “troubled schools”, where immigrants represent 70, 80, 90 or even 100 percent of all students, “there is a risk of losing the control”.
The already complex problems were exacerbated in 2015 with the arrival of large numbers of migrants. The tendency of certain groups to use violence has forced schools to hire private security services, H.-P. Meidinger.
Schools are becoming a place of socio-religious clashes: students of the conservative Muslim faith persecute fellow laymen of Muslim, German and Jewish origin, and there is no shortage of anti-Christian and anti-Semitic demonstrations. “Teachers are especially often the target of their verbal attacks,” lamented the educator.
The teachers are whores for them
The disrespect and aggression of German educators in schools with a large number of immigrants is revealed in a letter from teachers of a Saarbrücken general education school to Ulrich Commerçon (SPD), Minister of Education of Saarland and First Minister Annegreta Kramp-Karrenbauer (CDU). in December, he was quoted by the daily Saarbruecker Zeitung.
In a school where 86 percent. the students are not of German descent but in 2017. Another 61 students of refugee or migrant origin, teachers called ‘whores’, teachers ‘sons of bitches’, and were insulted in foreign languages.
“Many colleagues are afraid to teach certain students,” the letter read.
Now we find ourselves in a situation where we must think about our own safety when taking pedagogical measures, because we are not only working, but also living in the environment of these extremely aggressive young people.
“Now we find ourselves in a situation in which we must think about our own safety when taking pedagogical measures, because we are not only working, but also living in the environment of these extremely aggressive young people,” he continues.
In 2017 itself In the fall of 2006, the feminist magazine Emma published alarming testimonies from educators about the unequal treatment of women in patriarchal families and mosques.
Schools are finding it increasingly difficult to communicate the values of our society and there is a threat of regression.
Teachers experience pressure from below and from above
Lale Akgün, a German psychologist and Social Democratic member of the Bundestag, wrote these days about the influence of conservative Islam in school, the clash of cultures in the classroom and the fear of teachers who were between the millstones.
After the horrific murder of the teacher, he said he had received fifty letters from teachers, the content of which the parliamentarian summarizes as follows:
In the face of this all-encompassing patriarchal force, teachers feel powerless and it not only saddens me, it seems very dangerous to me. It overwhelms me to see that a school whose task is to develop people who think of themselves from children and young people can no longer do that task ”.
Teachers, according to L. Akgün, are under pressure from below and from above: “from below, they are insulted and intimidated by students, persuaded from above by persuasion, school leaders who ask for silence. And their arguments are: “we cannot oppose children to their parents”, “we must respect the cultural values of others”, “we must not allow the reputation of our school to be damaged”, “let’s not lose our fingers”, ” Don’t you want to be racist? “
It is precisely that fear of being a “racist”, an “Islamophobe” and a concern for both teachers and politicians. The ideologues of Islamization are well aware of this and use it wisely to pressure a Western society based on the principles of openness and tolerance.
Given demographic developments, such an Islamist fight for the minds of young people, based on intimidation of teachers and ideological pressure, promises success in the future.
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