The Swedish show was not enough: Chimki did not face the distant bombs of the sniper Maccabi / News


Photo: TASS – Scanpix

Photo: TASS – Scanpix

Photo: TASS – Scanpix

Photo: TASS – Scanpix

Photo: TASS – Scanpix

In the strongest tournament on the Old Continent, Chimki Moscow (0-5) is without victories.

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Photo: TASS – Scanpix

Photo: TASS – Scanpix

Photo: TASS – Scanpix

Photo: TASS – Scanpix

Photo: TASS – Scanpix

Photo: TASS – Scanpix

Photo: TASS – Scanpix

Photo: TASS – Scanpix

Photo: TASS – Scanpix

Rimas Kurtinaitis students at home during expansion 87:89 (18:16, 15:20, 22:22, 26:23, 6: 8) landed on the Maccabi basketball players (2-3) from Tel Aviv.

The Russians were not spared defeat with Sweden’s impressive comeback. The defender scored 32 points (3/11 double, 6/12 trit., 8/8 penalty) in 44 minutes on the floor, made 11 assists, made 8 errors and scored 28 utility points.

Swedish tandem and Booker:

With 2 minutes remaining in the match, Angelo Caloiaro hit two challenging triples in a row, the Swede responded at the same time and Chimki took a lead of 5 points per minute (81:76).

With 30 seconds to go, Scottie Wilbekin scored two points, Maccabi defended and Tyler Dorsey hit a triple, leveling the score (81:81). Sweden’s latest pitch was out of reach and the teams had to play overtime.

2 minutes before the end of extra time, Elijah Bryant stabbed two triples in a row and put Maccabi ahead (87:85).

Dorsey’s triple:

With 10 seconds to go, Wilbekin noticed a penalty (87:85), and Chimki’s last attempt to snatch the victory was unsuccessful.

Maccabi led Dorsey to victory. The defender scored 26 points (8/13 trit.) In 32 minutes, he rebounded and took 2 balls, made 2 assists and scored 21 utility points.

Janis Timma, Greg Monroe and Jordan Mickey also returned to Chimki.

Returning to the floor, Monroe made productive use of time spent on the floor and scored 15 points (dvit 6/12) in 16 minutes, bounced 6 balls and scored 15 utility points.

Eric McColum, who joined the team after isolation, was with the clothes, but did not appear on the field.

Chimki: Alexei Swede 32 (6/12 trit., 11 res., 8 vol.), Greg Monroe 15 (6 sec.), Devin Booker 14 (12 rep.), Jordan Mickey 8 (6 atoms).

„Maccabi“: Tyleris Dorsey 26 (8/13 trit.), Ante Žižičius 16 (5 atk. Kam.), Angelo Caloiaro 15 (10 atk. Kam.), Scottie Wilbekinas 12 (6 rez. Lost), Elijah Bryantas 10 (5 atk. Kam.), Othello Hunteris 9 (5 atk. Kam.).

Match summary:
