In the Moscow drama: Maccabi 8 defender triples, A.Švedas and Chimki failed at the decisive moment


Another failure in the Euroleague was the Chimki team (0/5) in the Moscow region, trained by Rimas Kurtinaitis, who 87:89 (18:16, 15:20, 22:22, 26:23, 6: 8) landed at Maccabi in Tel Aviv (2/3) after overtime.

The match started better with the Chimki team, who had a double-digit lead after 4.5 minutes – 12: 2. However, the guests responded in the section 11: 2 and caught up with the Russian club – 13:14 . The point-to-point fight lasted until the 16th minute, when R. Kurtinaitis’ students had the minimum gap (26:25), but lost the section 0: 8 and fell behind – 26:33.

A minute after the big jump, Chimki again weighed the result in his favor: 37:36. Midway through the half, the hosts had a 5-point lead (46:41), but Maccabi played better for the remaining minutes and took the lead at 58:55 before the decisive stage.

The winner of the duel was decided in the second half of the fourth quarter. With four and a half minutes remaining, the “yellow” was leading 70:69, but Alexei Swed caused a foul and took three penalties – 72:70. Soon Janis Timma added a long bomb (75:70), and A.Svedas himself responded to Angelo Caloiaro’s fantastic triple at the same time: 78:73. After another launch by A. Caliar from the perimeter, A. Sved again took the initiative, who also scored three more points on his account – 81:76.

32 seconds left Scottie Wilbekino’s colon revived Maccabi’s hopes (78:81) and was further strengthened when Jello Jerebko’s attempt to end the attack was stopped by Othello Hunter. The guests seized their opportunity to perfection: Tyler Dorsey jumped past the opponent and hit a triple, 81:81. Chimki had 10 seconds to make a decisive attack and A. Sved missed a decisive throw.

Devin Booker started extra time with a double (83:81), but Elijah Bryant hit a triple and responded to a free throw of the same height with another long shot: 87:85. It is worth noting that A.Švedas lost the ball in three attacks in a row. 24 seconds left Hunter was stopped for a foul and realized a penalty of two: 88:85. A.Švedas, who was soon arrested for a tactical foul, issued both fines – 87:88. The offensive tactic paid off when Scottie Wilbekin hit a two-point penalty and left for 10 seconds. to the hosts, but the chaotic attack ended in an inaccurate throw from Mickey’s Jordan from afar.

“Chimki”: Alexei Swede 32 (6/12 triples, 11 res., 8 pm, 28 helpful votes), Greg Monroe 15 (16 min, 6 pm), Devin Booker 14 (12 pm), Jordan Mickey 8 (Rev. 6).

“Maccabi”: Tyler Dorsey 26 (8/13 3s), Ante Žižičius 16 (5 rebounds), Angelo Caloiaro 15 (10 rebounds), Scottie Wilbekinas 12 (2/9 3s, 6 reps) Elijah Bryantas 10 (5 secs), Othello Hunteris 9 (5 sec.).

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