The man, who was supposed to be isolated, decided to drive drunk in the village of Šulgiai.


On Thursday evening, Kena Border Guard officers from the SBGS Vilnius Border Team stopped a VW Passat car with Belarusian numbers to check accesses in Šulgiai village of Vilnius district. As soon as they looked at the driver, border guards realized that a 53-year-old resident of the Vilnius district was driving under the influence of alcohol.

The man spoke incoherently, got out of the car, swaying, alcohol vapor emanated. Border guards also discovered that this driver had recently visited Belarus, for which he had to isolate himself after returning from it. He ignored this procedure and, by leaving home, he violated the mandatory 14-day self-isolation instruction imposed on him.

SBGS officials detained a Vilnius district resident and summoned police officers. These set the controller at 1.49 avg. drunkenness. Border guards fined the man 250 euros for violating self-isolation.

The offender and his machine were turned over by SBGS officials to police officers investigating the incident, SBGS reports.
