“Unlike the spring, when practically all the patients who were diagnosed with covid, whether or not they had symptoms of any form of their disease, were all, without exception, transported to medical facilities (…)” Now, the patients are actually evaluated according to their severity and those who need real medical attention are transported to medical institutions, “the minister said at a press conference on Wednesday.
According to him, transporting to other wards that do not need special help to medical institutions “does not make much sense.”
“They can really be there and wait until they recover, even in nursing homes,” he said.
The minister also said he had a poor assessment of the situation, with some treatment facilities refusing to accept wards from older care facilities, urging municipalities to reach an agreement. He also argues that the ministry could help solve problems in just a few care institutions.
“Indeed, the Ministry will not be able to solve the problems of 60 municipalities and, as far as I know, more than a thousand social care institutions, we can help one or two municipalities if there is a lack of administrative capacity. But it will happen that if there are 20 of those municipalities, we really do not have the human capacity to solve the problems of each care institution in the ministry ”, said A. Veryga.