At that time, representatives of the Lithuanian retail chain Maxima noted that among the most popular funeral flowers, heather and chrysanthemums are bought, as well as artificial and durable flowers.
With heather and conifers it’s hard to ask
According to the florist, choosing a grave to plant with seedlings can easily create a very natural image of the grave. “The choice of plants in stores today is really wide, so it will not be difficult to create a harmonious and delicate image of the cemetery. Plants such as heather or eriche are perfect for graves, as well as various types of conifers: cypresses, larches, pines, junipers, which are not difficult to combine with each other ”, says A. Mažonas.
He also argues that popular heather is suitable for grave planting not only because of the easy care of these flowers, but also because of their suitability for combining with each other or with other plants.
“Heather can be found in a variety of colors and types, and it is generally easy to combine. Heather can also go well with other plants, such as cypress or semipress. In this case, it is recommended to choose gray or greenish-gray shades from the latter plants. Other perennial flowers, such as asters, silkworms, and chrysanthemums, also go well with heather. When combining these flowers, it is best to look for cooler colors and avoid bright yellow or red flowers, ”advises A. Mažonas.
Flowers rush to arrange in advance
Ernesta Dapkienė, director of the department of communication and image of the retail chain Maxima, confirms the heather, the most popular flowers for the graves. And before All Saints Day and All Saints Day, they bought much more than other seedlings.
“Based on sales, heather outperforms other seedlings a dozen or even several dozen times. This plant is easy to plant and does not require complicated care, making it the first choice for many when choosing serious flowers. the department stores have heather of different colors, which people are willing to buy, especially in the last weeks of October, when it gets late. However, many residents start cleaning the graves and planting flowers earlier, a few weeks or a month before All Souls’ Day ”, says E. Dapkienė.
He also notes that Lithuanians tend to honor the dead with bouquets of cut flowers, which are also bought in abundance as All Saints’ Day approaches. The most popular flowers are carnations, chrysanthemums, lilies or potassium, according to a press release.
Artificial flowers fascinate with longevity
E. Dapkienė claims that several residents prioritize artificial grave flowers, whose sales are also growing strongly ahead of All Souls’ Day.
“For some residents, artificial flowers become a more attractive option because they allow them to decorate graves for longer. It is true that we notice that residents pay more and more attention to the quality of artificial flowers and choose products that are not necessarily as cheap as possible, but more durable. Very often, residents choose white chrysanthemums and other soft-colored chrysanthemums and their bouquets of artificial flowers, ”says E. Dapkienė.
Florist A. Mažonas, for his part, points out that artificial flowers are subject to the same composition and arrangement rules as live ones.
“Artificial chrysanthemums, lilies or other flowers with white and lilac flowers are very suitable for a day like Afternoon. You can definitely choose brighter rings too. Only in this case you should try not to add extremely contrasting colors to a composition. The bright blooms are also beneficial in giving some counterweight to the composition by adding more greenery. To make artificial flowers look as natural as possible, it is important to choose good quality products, ”says A. Mažonas.
When composing artificial flowers for graves, A. Mažonas also advises mixing larger flowers with smaller ones and always remembering to insert greenery. This will give the composition naturalness and solidity.
Proper maintenance and disposal are important
The specialist also points out that when honoring loved ones with cut flowers or planting a cemetery with seedlings, the plants should not be left to fate later. Cut flowers should be watered, seedlings should be watered in dry weather, and artificial flowers should be properly cleaned and disposed of in good time.
In most cases, artificial flowers can be used more than once. For a second life, they can be resurrected simply by soaking them in soapy water and drying them with a towel. The florist advises that artificial flowers, if possible, be placed in places where they are out of direct sunlight. This will protect the artificial plants from fading.
Artificial flowers should not be thrown into general household garbage containers. They must be prepared for recycling. For this, it is important to classify said waste by separating the plastic, paper or metal parts of the product and discarding them in suitable waste containers.