Have you heard of the middle artery? It may be in your hand near the midrib. Several studies show that just over a third of people have it, and those who don’t have it don’t lose it, it’s not critical.
Researchers in Australia have decided to check whether the middle arteries are disappearing or are becoming more frequent. They studied people ages 51 to 101 who died in 2015-2016 and found that exactly one third of them had middle arteries. Meanwhile, around 1880, these arteries had only 10 percent. populations. Now it is 35 percent. people have this part of the circulatory system. Researchers estimate that all people born after age 80 will have middle arteries, but we will consider them normal parts of the body until then.
The middle arteries are formed quite early in fetal development. Over time, they lose many fruits, but some retain them. In other words, those people who have middle arteries have retained what normally disappears while they are still developing in the womb. Therefore, and because many people do not have them, the middle arteries are considered a small anomaly. They are certainly not harmful, but it is accepted that they should not be. And that will change over time: When most people have middle arteries, not having them will be considered a small deviation from the norm.
Currently, two types of middle arteries are distinguished: the first type of middle arteries supplies blood to the forearm and hands, the second – only to the forearm. A person can have a middle artery in just one or both hands. When there is no middle artery, other blood vessels are responsible for supplying blood to these areas. Researchers cannot single out any benefit of having or not having a middle artery. On the other hand, it may be that this is just a little researched topic.
So why are people now evolving in this direction so that everyone has middle arteries? It may be that something has changed in the care of pregnant women or in the lifestyle of people in general that the natural disappearance of the middle artery is now being overlooked. This would be bad news: fetal development in the womb can be affected. On the other hand, it may be that people are doing more small jobs and our hands and fingers need more blood.