Ramnas Karbauskis, President of the Union of States and Allies of Lithuania. Photo by Judita Grigelyts (V)
Ramnas Karbauskis, president of the Lithuanian State and Alliance (LVS), says that he will not lose hope of forming a ruling coalition, and if that opportunity arises, the second round of elections will appear. to prepare for the upcoming Seimas elections.
In this situation, it is not clear whether the results of the previous elections will be repeated when the center-left voters have combined (in the second round of the V elections) their votes around the center-left candidates. In the last elections, the center-left candidates won. And R. Karbauskis will tell how it will be during these elections in two weeks, at a press conference held on Monday morning after the Seimas elections.
During Sunday’s first Seimas election, LVS received nearly 18% of the votes in the multi-member constituency and verified the second, coming second to the 23 seats in the Lithuanian Christian Democratic Twinning Union (TS -LKD).
According to R. Karbauskis, the results of the second round could be considered successful if the party could form a governing coalition.
It is difficult to say how many members of the Seimas we need to have in order to form a governing coalition. We now have 16 seats, there are 33 candidates in the second round, and it is difficult to say how many seats will be obtained. That part is going to win, it is obvious, he spoke at a press conference.
According to the head of the LVS, when counting the candidates in the second round in single-member districts, a pure mathematician does not have to form a coalition of the right or the center-left.
It can be one way or another. It is certainly not possible to say which side will have the most votes, said the LVS leader.
According to him, LVS candidates in single-member districts are currently consulting with candidates from other center-left parties on how to rally votes and achieve victory in the second round.
According to R. Karbauskis, if his party were nonetheless in the opposition, it would be more constructive than TS-LKD, which received the most votes in the multi-member states.
If we are in opposition, we will be in constructive opposition. We will definitely not do the same as our colleagues, constantly drawing cards, trying to make unaccepted bets, says R. Karbauskis.
According to him, LVS portrays himself working in the opposition, which would be a bit slow, because the opponents said they would abolish everything, and clarified that they refer to bans on the advertising of alcoholic beverages, decisions on reimbursement of refundable medicines, etc. In this case, the party will join forces for the next Seimas elections.
According to R. Karbauskis, the biggest prelude to the second round will be Kaunas, in whose districts even state candidates face conservatives. Conservative candidates received the most votes in all constituencies in the first round.
According to the president of the LVS, the only political force that participated in the elections and with which different values would not be negotiated for joint work is the Freedom Party.
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