Mr. Pancerov reported this decision on his Facebook account. “I am leaving the editorial office because I categorically do not agree with the behavior, plans and decisions of director Ramūnas Šaučikovas. At the end of September, we suddenly learned of the future restructuring of the company, one of the objectives of which, as I understand it. , is disrespectfully dismissing editor-in-chief Raimundas Celencevičius and several other major editors. Such drastic plans, to my knowledge, have been kept secret until the last minute, not only from us journalists, but also from editors who are being humiliated and destitute.
I trust Raimund and other editors, I have seen their solid professionalism over the years. In my opinion, the main reason for such disrespectful treatment is the director’s desire to shut down criticism within the company who have been dissatisfied with its activities and results recently, and to position himself in an important journalistic position, “he writes.
David Pancerov
“If such a restructuring is implemented, which was announced unexpectedly, the director will structurally consolidate his leadership in the newsroom. In my opinion, this is completely at odds with the 15 minute culture and shareholder promises made after similar failed experiments. In my opinion, this is an attempt not only to silence critics, but also to limit the independence of journalists; in democracies it is accepted that the director of a media company cannot interfere with editorial work.
Important: Currently, almost all 15min journalists are trying to defend their independence by legal means. 15 minutes is one of the most important newsrooms in Lithuania, therefore, in my opinion, it is also a question of society ”, continues D. Pancerovas.
“Mudu and Birutė Davidonytė leave 15 minutes protesting against the dishonest, disrespectful and non-transparent treatment of the director of 15 minutes towards our colleagues. We no longer trust this director and we believe that he should resign from his position ”, the journalist writes, saying that they are not going anywhere yet.
Birute Davidonytė
© DELFI / Josvydas Elinskas
R. Šaučikovas calls these journalists’ decisions emotions: “It is true that we currently live at the pace of change. We argue with employees, we try to reconcile positions, we make constructive decisions and any manager will help me, it is a complicated process, especially when I am in a company, with many opinions and a lot of ambition. Our colleagues, unfortunately, made very quick decisions to leave the company, despite the fact that no changes are expected in the 15-minute investigation section. I think David and Biruta will join us for a long time; a good week ago, the portal appealed to the court 15 minutes ago for the decision of the SCRPA, which is creating a precedent for censorship, regarding the publicity of Cabinet 339. journalists, editorial independence or the desire to dismiss colleagues as emotions. “
R. Šaučikovas did not want to reveal what specific changes are planned because, according to him, there are still discussions with employees. According to him, R. Celencevičius is still working and no changes are foreseen related to the dismissal of people.