Máximo Shemetovo (Reuters / Scanpix) nuotr.
Belneftechim, the state company that coordinates the activities of the Belarusian oil industry, is discussing with the Russian oil company Lukoil the possibilities of diverting the flows of petroleum products exported by Belarus through the Baltic ports to the Lukoil terminal in Vysocke, in the Arch of Finland.
Belneftechim received a request to load its products at the RPK-Vysock terminal. Discussions about the range and possible quantities are currently ongoing, and once they are completed, specific loading conditions will be formed and parameters will be set, says Alexei Machnev, director of Lukoil-Trans.
In our opinion, using the entire logistics chain, including cargo handling in Russian ports, can be more efficient for our partners than diversion through neighboring countries, he added.
Russian Energy Minister Alexander Novak, who told Minsk early last month that the opportunities for reorientation of Belarusian export cargo would be achieved in September, declared at the end of the month that the potential for cargo handling in ports Finland was estimated at 46 million. tons of petroleum products and we expect agreements to be reached in the near future.
Earlier, the Russian minister spoke about the possibility of recharging 34 million. tons of Belarusian petroleum products.
Under pressure from the opposition and Democrats yesterday after the controversial presidential elections in Belarus, Alexander Lukashenko threatened to divert Belarusian cargo from the Baltic to Russian ports in late August by imposing sanctions on Minsk. Most of it is processed in the port of Klaipda. Later, the authoritarian president of Belarus clarified that this will happen if Russia offers similar conditions.
According to the Lithuanian government, the diversion of cargo from Lithuania would mainly damage the economy of Belarus.
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