Preparing for the heating season: How much money will be needed this year is estimated


Indrė Trakimaitė-Šeškuvienė, spokesperson for Vilniaus šilumos tinklai (VŠT), reported that the heating season will start in Vilnius in October, and also emphasizes that the price of heating in the capital is decreasing every year compared to the corresponding period of the year past.

At that time, Kęstutis Karosas, the head of the heating and water management subdivision of the Vilnius city municipality, emphasizes that heating, like every year, should be turned on first in institutions, such as schools, kindergartens or hospitals .

“Traditionally, heating will probably start where it is most needed: in education, training, healthcare institutions. We understand and take into account air temperature and need. We interview the directors of these institutions if there is such a need and organize the connection heating.

The heating season in establishments may not start as required by law when it is below 10 degrees for 3 days. We turn on the heating as needed or turn it off when it is no longer needed, ”noted K. Karosas.


In addition, the interlocutor remembers that all residents have the opportunity to request that the heating be turned on before what is regulated by the guidelines of the law.

“As for the residents, we partially follow the established rule: the heat turns on when there is no more than 10 degrees of heat for 3 days, but all the time the residents have a choice. They decide for themselves when they need heat, they can fix the ignition at any time, because there are independent heating points everywhere, there is accounting everywhere, you just need to coordinate with the DHW, turn on the heating. This is the established procedure “, emphasized the representative of the municipality.

Heating prices will decrease

K. Karosas adds that this year residents should pay 20% for heating. less than in the corresponding period last year.

“We can be glad that heating prices are falling year after year. This year, again, compared to October last year, the price of heating exceeds 20 percent. Lower, that is, the price in October it is 3.40 ct / kWh.

The trend in heating prices continues to be downward. The Vilnius cogeneration plant, which will use classified municipal waste as fuel, will also start operations soon. When it goes live, we expect a 15-20% decrease in the price of heat. In the near future, the forecast is that the price of heat will continue to fall for heating, the price of the outside temperature does not depend. The price component is heat, that is, it is basically the price of those resources that are used to produce heat. We see a trend that the price of gas has really dropped, the price of biofuel, which is again used in mass for heat production, has also changed, has fallen drastically ”, says K. Karosas.

According to VŠT representatives, in 2020-2021. For the heating season, the company expects slightly lower heating prices compared to 2019-2020. heating season.

The weighted average price for heating this heating season is expected to reach 4.01 ct / KWh and be 0.11 ct / KWh or 2.6 percent. lower compared to 2019-2020. price of the heating season, which amounted to 4.12 ct / KWh.

It is observed that 70 percent. the amount of heat price in the relevant period depends on the purchase prices of the energy resources available at that time

Some buildings are not ready for the heating season.

The heating network company adds that it learns about the preparation of buildings from heat consumers for the heating season in accordance with the laws prepared by the building supervisors for the heating season; Until the VŠT receives such approval, it cannot provide heating services to the building.

“Proper preparation of heating points and internal building systems for the heating season is very important for heat consumers, because the reliability of these devices and systems during winter depends on it. According to our information, 55.5 percent are ready for the new heating season. buildings – 4.1 thousand. of 7.4 mil. Multipurpose buildings serviced by VŠT. We see that around 1,400 apartment buildings are not ready for the heating season yet. Last year, the heating season in Vilnius started on September 28, so we expect home managers and administrators to hurry up, ”says Laurynas Jakubauskas, Director of VŠT’s Customer Service Department.

L. Jakubauskas also points out that residents can renew their contacts in the self-service system VŠT – After completing this process, the company can personally inform customers about the planned work, the duration of the defect removal work.

Monitor indoor and outdoor temperature

At the time, Raimundas Endrikis, head of the Department of Housing Modernization, Administration and Energy of the Kaunas City Municipality, also claims that the heating season has not yet officially started, but it is stated that when the need arises, they will heat up. homes or institutions.

In addition, the interlocutor also mentions about 20 percent. Price lower than last year, it is true that the tracks may change later due to the different trends prevailing in the market when buying the necessary raw materials.

“The decision has not yet been made, but both the indoor and outdoor temperatures are being monitored. If necessary, the start of the heating season will be announced. Traditionally, heating is usually turned on in October.

At least in Kaunas, heating prices for the heating season could decrease compared to last year.

So far, we cannot say concrete figures, but at least in October, they exceed 20%, and they will continue to be seen. In November and December, the price can change ”, said a representative of the municipality.

R. Endrikis adds that residents can start the heating season without an official decision from the municipality. People who want to start heating their homes should contact the building manager.

The representative of the Klaip Silda municipality, Silvija Mockuvienė, told the news portal that, taking into account the weather forecasts, the heating season has not started either.

It is recalled that last year the heating season in the budgeted social services and preschool educational institutions of the Klaipėda city municipality began on October 2, and throughout the city – on October 7. Residents who want their homes to start heating before or after the official start of the heating season can make this decision themselves, in which case 50% must be charged. +1 residents’ signatures and send them to the apartment building manager.
