This was confirmed to journalists on Tuesday by the head of the group, the Minister of Culture Mindaugas Kvietkauskas.
“The Municipality of Vilnius has accepted the amendments proposed by the working group to the loan agreement, according to which the provisions of the Law on Lukiškės Square would be implemented: this is the relationship between the functions of Lukiškės Square,
“The agreement stipulates that the municipality is committed to clearly comply with the provisions of the law,” he stressed.
According to him, the revolving loan agreement that allows the municipality to manage the square also includes a provision that the use of Lukiškės square should be coordinated in consultation with the Lithuanian Center for Studies on Genocide and Resistance (LGGRTC), the Ministry of Culture and other responsible institutions.
According to the minister, it was also agreed that the municipality would prepare a detailed plan of measures within four months after the implementation of the law on Lukiškės square adopted by the Seimas in July.
“These will be more detailed steps regarding the implementation of the Vytis memorial, the procedure for the use of the square, they will be coordinated with other authorities,” said M. Kvietkauskas.
However, he did not rule out that the square could be handed over to the LGGRTC if the Seimas adopts such amendments prepared at the initiative of the rulers.
We affirm that the changes have been agreed with the municipality. If amendments to the law on a new governor are adopted in the Seimas, then there is a new governor, the situation will change, ”said M. Kvietkauskas.
Povilas Poderskis, director of the Vilnius municipality administration, considers Tuesday’s conversation constructive and hopes that the renewed loan agreement with NJT will be signed in the near future.
“It is likely to happen on Thursday,” he told reporters.
Mr. Podersky also says that the municipality does not fear the initiatives of the ruler Seimas to take the square despite this agreement.
“We act in accordance with the laws in force, we are not very interested in this or that debate in the Seimas,” said P. Poderski.
Vilnius Deputy Mayor Vytautas Mitalas said that the aforementioned plan will be prepared in four months and that “no specific details have been discussed or proposed so far.”
Last week, after the presentation, the Seimas approved the governors’ proposal to transfer the administration of the square to the Genocide Center; After the project was considered by the committees, it must return to the plenary hall on October 15th. Ramūnas Karbauskis, the leader of the Peasants, is convinced that this amendment will be adopted by the Seimas of this legislature.
The three-decade debate over the management of Lukiškės Square and the commemorative accents intensified this summer, when Vilnius municipal authorities decided in late June to install an artificial beach with hammocks and a volleyball court; it was dismantled at the end of August. In response, the Seimas passed a special law on Lukiškės Square, which stipulates that it is the main representative square of the country with the Vytis Monument.
Critics of the idea claim that the project is not suitable for Lukiškės Square, as it is historically important for the memory of the country’s resistance struggles, and no agreement was reached with the public or politicians during the construction of the beach.
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