ITS has been renewed: a new website for the population has been introduced


“After analyzing the user experience of the old ITS website, during which almost 10,000 people were interviewed. Respondents decided to base the new website on the principles of minimalism, simplicity and, at the same time, reliability. On the home page, we take respondents’ opinions into account and drop the standard menus, replacing them instead with the most relevant fiscal life events for residents.

These solutions ensure that all the most important information is accessible in 2-3 clicks, and it will be much more convenient to navigate on mobile devices, “says Mindaugas Mineikis, manager of development projects at ESKIS.

There has also been a less noticeable but significant improvement in the technical part of the website: it has been moved to new servers and a more advanced system, which must ensure its smooth operation without any problems, according to the press release.

About 4 thousand have already been uploaded to the site. Catalog entries for the reference material, the oldest of which dates from 2006. The rest of the information is planned to be transferred to the website in the near future, and until then, the previous version of the website is available to residents with just click a button.

To submit suggestions or comments, residents are invited to comment in the comments section of the main website window by clicking the Comments / Bug Report button on the website.

In the spring, the beta version of the My STI system and self-assessment of the updated system structure, design and a more convenient taxpayer card were also released, where taxes can be paid at the click of a button.

The system is slated to be fully updated in February of next year, and for the convenience of users, the regular version of My STI will work by then. To express their comments and make suggestions about areas for improvement in the system, My STI users can do so at [email protected]
