8 consecutive failures: Chimki de Kurtinaitis falls in Valencia / News


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The collapse of Rimas Kurtinaitis and Chimki (2-14) in the Moscow region continues. Russian club on the move 82:88 (13:16, 29:16, 23:14, 30:29) landed before the Valencia basketball players (10-6) and suffered their eighth consecutive defeat.

Man of the match

Martin Hermannsson

Effective transfers


With 2 wins and 14 failures, the Muscovites remain at the bottom of the standings.

The break of the match came in the second half, when the hosts raced hard 25:11 and gained a 16-point lead (45:29) after Bojanas Dubljevičius’s colón before the long break.

At the beginning of the third quarter, after the colon by Klemen Prepeličius, the dominance of the hosts reached 20 points (51:31), but the Kurtinaitis students managed to recover. The Russians responded with 21 points, allowing the Valencia players to shoot just 4 at the time, and after Penin Booker’s torturous penalties, they breathed their opponents (52:55).

At the start of the decisive quarter, the hosts scored 7 unanswered points and regained a double-digit lead after precise penalties from Derrick Williams (68:57). With 4 minutes remaining, Dairis Bertans and Alexei Švedas scored three points and led Chimki to 6 points (68:74), but Jaume Ponsarnau’s team held the lead and triumphed (88:82).

Martin Hermannsson led the hosts to victory. Iceland scored 16 points in 23 minutes (3/4 double, 2/4 trit, 4/4 penalty), bounced 2, took control and lost 1 ball, made 9 assists and scored 22 utility points.

Valencia: Martin Hermannsson 16 (res. 9), Derrick Williams 15 (6/7), Boyan Dubljevičius 11, Klemen Prepeličius (4th grade) and Mike Tobey (8th rep.) After 10,

Chimki: Errick McCollum 16 (4/9 dvit.), Aleksejus Švedas 14 (3/8 trit.), Devin Booker 11, Jonas Jerebko (5 rev. Cam.), Dairis Bertans and Jordan Mickey 9 each, Janis Timma 8 (5 in ch.).

Match summary:
