4.5 thousand people signed up to be vaccinated on Easter weekend in Vilnius. persons


Registration is still ongoing and a total of 12,000 people are expected to be vaccinated over the long weekend. up to 14 thousand. population.

According to the municipality, people over 65 who have not yet been contacted about vaccines, adult graduates, teachers, lecturers and other education sector employees, those with chronic diseases and participants in foreign missions can register for the vaccine.

“Even if you are not sure if you have been diagnosed with a chronic disease, it is worth checking at the time of registration; you may be able to get vaccinated in the next few days,” the report said.

Depending on the municipality, it is possible to register at http://vilnius-vac.myhybridlab.com/ and verify if the diagnosis is classified as a chronic disease, at http://bit.ly/velykuvakcinosgrupes.

Over the weekend, vaccines will be provided in Vilnius City Municipality (Konstitucijos Avenue 3), Žirmūnai Non-Formal Education Center (Žirmūnų 1B Street), Karoliniškės and Šeškinė polyclinics.

Some other municipalities also plan to vaccinate on the weekend, but not every day.
