Andrei Pivovarov and two other members of the Open Russia opposition movement were disembarked from a bus in Russia’s western Pskov region. The opposition group “Open Russia” was founded by the outgoing critic of the Kremlin, Mikhail Khodorkovsky.
Pivovarov, the leader of “Open Russia”, famous for his criticism of the Kremlin, and two other activists “have been detained without explanation by Russian border guards,” said Anastasia Bukarova, president of the movement.
According to A. Bukarova, a few hours later, A. Pivovarov, still locked up, was seen in the neighboring Smolensk region. The president of the movement added that the opposition is accused of disobeying the border guards. According to the head of the movement, A. Pivovarov can be imprisoned for up to 15 days.
Sunday will be the main day of the presidential elections in Belarus. Alexander Lukashenko, who has ruled for many years, is expected to face the greatest challenge from Svetlana Tikhanovskaya, his main rival.
Early voting in the country began on Tuesday and so far, according to official sources, more than 32 percent have already cast their vote. voters.
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