Last year, 87.2 thousand people chose an independent provider. 98,000 of the households with the highest electricity consumption were forced to do so. consumers. Almost 118 thousand more. consumers have chosen a supplier without waiting for the liberalization phase for them, said the Energy Distribution Operator (ESO).
Domestic consumers can choose a supplier from eight companies: Elektrum Lietuva, Enefit, Inregnum, Perlas Energija, Birštonas elektra, EGTO Energija, Vilniaus elektra and Ignitis. The latter acts both as a public and independent provider.
Those participants in the first stage who have not chosen an independent supplier before December 10 will buy electricity under the guaranteed supply service from January, it is more expensive and temporary. In the six months of this year, they will still have to choose an independent provider.
This year, the second stage will begin, when you have to choose a supplier of 1-5 thousand. Households that consume kWh per year, mainly residents of several apartments, as well as owners of smaller or more energy-efficient houses. Their total number is more than 700 thousand.
In the third year of the reform, in 2022, households that consume up to 1,000 will have to choose a supplier. kWh of electricity per year. This group also includes the socially vulnerable population and supported by the state.
The State Energy Regulatory Council (VERT) states that when consumers choose their supplier, they will regulate only about half the price per kilowatt-hour (price components of infrastructure and system services provided by Litgrid and ESO). The other half of the price will be determined by the energy exchange price and the competition between suppliers.
The electricity supply market for companies in Lithuania has been liberalized since 2013.
Demonopolization of the market is one of Lithuania’s obligations to the European Union. In Estonia, the electricity supply market was fully liberalized in 2013, in Latvia in 2015.