Attorney General Yoon Seok-yeol initiated a full-blown legal response last night (17) by filing a lawsuit against the two-month provision and an interim provision. The court also moved quickly. The Seoul Administrative Court set the deadline to challenge the request for a stay of execution by requesting the suspension of the disciplinary action next Tuesday. In politics, both the ruling party that President Yoon and Minister Chu should resign, and the opposition party, which said that it should follow through with the lawsuit until the end, stood out. We will hear the related news in the presentation of Mr.
[기자]Before I started speaking, yesterday I was out one day for the first time in three years as a politician. Many of you were concerned emailed with the comments “Where is Captain Shin?” Thank you. Another tip came. “Hyewon, Director Bok is holding something strange.” Look back. I was surprised. Now, we begin to do a full presentation.
Attorney General Yoon Seok-yeol immediately responded to the decision of the Ministry of Justice’s disciplinary committee for “two months of honesty.” Last night around 9:20, I filed a complaint with the Seoul Administrative Court. Since the final approving authority for disciplinary action was the president, the attorney general had a first lawsuit against the president. Both the lawsuit requesting the annulment of the disciplinary provision and the request for suspension of execution until the result of the lawsuit is the same.
Yoon’s position is that all reasons for disciplinary action are fictitious. He stated that “the suspicion of the judge’s inspection” was “disciplined for arbitrary speculation without evidence”, and the suspicion of interfering in the investigation and investigation of the Canal A case was “a legitimate order of the attorney general.” As for the alleged violation of political neutrality, it dismissed that “there was no violation of any related prohibited act or obligation.”
[이완규/윤석열 검찰총장 측 변호사 (지난 15일) : 재판부 문건의 성질에 대해서도 전혀 다른 말을 하고 있고요. 채널A 사건이나 이런 수사 과정에 있어서도 사실과 다른 말을 많이 하고 있습니다. 징계 사유가 안 된다, 정말 무고하다는, 누명이다…이 징계 절차 자체가 위법하고 부당한 절차기 때문에 승복할 수 없다는 것이 기본 입장이니까요.]The procedural illegality, which was controversial throughout the disciplinary committee, was also included in the lawsuit. “The disciplinary process was illegal, as the formation of the disciplinary committee was not legal and the right to defense was not guaranteed.”
[손경식/윤석열 검찰총장 측 변호사 (지난 15일) : 심재철을 일방적으로 증인을 취소하면서 심재철의 진술서와 박은정 담당관의 진술서가 또 한 뭉텅이가 나왔어요. 대단히 많이 남아 있어요. 기록이. 저희가 보지 못한 기록이. ] [정한중/징계위원장 직무대행 (지난 16일) : 기회를 줬습니다. 1시간 있다가 이제 최후진술을 하라 그랬는데 1시간이면 부족하다 해가지고 스스로 포기를 했고…증거에 입각해서 혐의와 양정을 정했습니다.]What is the Department of Justice’s position on the lawsuit? Vice Minister of Justice Lee Yong-gu, who served on the disciplinary committee, filed a brief complaint on his work day.
[이용구/법무부 차관 : (윤 총장이 소송 낸 거에 대해서 어떻게 보시나요?) 징계받은 사람으로서의 권리 행사라고 생각합니다.]Now is the time for court. The judiciary is accelerating. A court decision has been decided in both cases. Judge Hong Soon-wook, Executive Vice President of the Twelfth Division of the Seoul Administrative Court, took office. First of all, it is extremely unlikely that the outcome of the ‘original lawsuit’ requesting the cancellation of President Yun’s disciplinary action will come to light within two months of the suspension period. Therefore, again, the focus is on the outcome of the ‘request for stay of execution’. We have already set a deadline for interrogations. Next Tuesday 22 at 2pm.
Something similar happened last month. Previously, President Yoon filed a stay of execution request for the exclusion of Justice Minister Choo Mi-ae, but after the court made a decision on the subpoena in six days, Yoon was able to return to work in a week. . At the time, the court said: “It is unfair because there are flaws in the suspension of work procedure, disciplinary claims and investigation request procedures.”
[JTBC ‘뉴스룸’ (지난 1일) : 서울행정법원의 결정은 오후 4시 30분쯤 나왔습니다. 윤 총장은 40분 뒤, 대검찰청 청사에 도착했습니다. 곧바로 업무에 복귀한 겁니다.] [윤석열/검찰총장 (지난 1일) : 이렇게 업무에 빨리 복귀할 수 있도록 신속한 결정을 내려주신 사법부에 감사드립니다. 우리 구성원보다도 모든 분들에게 대한민국의 공직자로서 헌법정신과 법치주의를 지키기 위하여 최선을 다할 것을 약속드립니다.]General Yoon said, “The two-month suspension period is for damages that cannot be compensated with money” and “It may cause a great disruption in the investigation of important cases such as the investigation of the Wolseong nuclear power plant, and there is the fear that the investigation team will publicly break down from the prosecution staff scheduled for next January. And insisted that disciplinary action be stopped. On the contrary, the Ministry of Justice is expected to maintain that the return to work will have an impact significant in public welfare, as Yoon has made a serious mistake that has led to disciplinary action.
[추미애/법무부 장관 : (장관님 갑자기 사의 표명하신 이유가 뭔가요.) (윤 총장이 소송을 제기했는데 여기에 대해서 어떻게 생각하십니까.) (1월 검찰 인사 때까지 장관직 계속하시는지요?) …]In the Democratic Party, as Minister Choo Mi-ae voiced his resignation, voices are being heard that Yoon should resign voluntarily. President Yoon filed a lawsuit, saying, “It means that we will go to war with the president.” More than 40 legislators met and held a press conference calling for the resignation.
[박완주/더불어민주당 의원 : 검찰개혁은 국민의 준엄한 명령이자, 시대정신입니다. 윤석열 총장은 검찰개혁의 과정에서 검찰총장으로서 직분을 망각하고 개혁에 저항하며 권력을 남용했습니다.] [설훈/더불어민주당 의원 : 세상만사는 상식선에서 정리되는 것이 가장 평화롭고 그리고 이치에 맞다고 생각합니다. 끝까지 저항하는 모습을 보이는 것은 추하기도 하고, 상식에 반하는 행동이라 생각합니다.]On the other hand, the popular force argued that “the Democratic Party is trying to overthrow President Yun with all kinds of slander”, and that it is “ignoring the laws of the Republic of Korea and taking the Republic of Korea as a dictatorship of single party “.
[주호영/국민의힘 원내대표 : 찌질하다, 뻔뻔하다, 자멸할 것이다, 대통령과 싸우자는 것이냐, 이런 말을 하고 있습니다. 민주당의 이런 작태야말로 정말 찌질하고, 뻔뻔하고, 자멸을 자초하는 그런 태도입니다. 법원에 시정을 구하는 것이 어떻게 대통령과 싸우자는 것입니까. 대통령이 왕조시대의 무소불위의 왕이 아니지 않습니까.]Today’s Blue House presentation is organized like this. < 윤석열 "정직 2개월 부당" 소송…법원, 22일 집행정지 심문 >