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On the 12th, former Congressman Seung-min Yoo, the people’s power, asked President Moon Jae-in on the 12th: “What right does the president say to abandon my dream of preparing my house, why shouldn’t it be? owner of a house? ”
Representative Yoo said in a Facebook post on the same day under the heading “Niigara Lease”, “Ordinary people have the dream of fixing my own house, but the president tells me to give up that” stupid dream. ”
He said: “Yesterday, President Moon Jae-in said in Dongtan: ‘Even if you don’t have to own your own house, make a residential staircase with (public) lease.’ I went to a 13-pyeong apartment and said: ‘ It’s okay for a family of 4 and a dog to live. ‘ Remote.
“Ordinary people dream of having a house, but the president tells us to give up that ‘stupid dream,'” he said. “For ordinary people, the ladder of a house starts with the rent or jeonse, then it goes to the house on the outskirts and it is a better place to live. “The president’s ladder” is a ladder to move to a larger land pyeong, but the ‘president’s ladder’ is a 13 pyeong public lease with a family of 4 and a dog, and then moved to a 18 pyeong and 25 pyeong public lease “.
Rep. Yoo criticized “President Moon, who made crazy house prices and crazy rents out of Jeonse through 24 real estate measures,” and said, “I don’t think you can hear the groan of people who suffer from their incompetence and dishonesty”.
At the same time, he said: “For the middle class in the sixth and seventh quintiles and the seventh and eighth income quintiles, we will boldly invest taxes in the construction of mid-size public rental housing. If you have the money, It makes sense. common to say things first.
Representative Yoo added, “President Moon goes with Yangsan’s sister-in-law after her retirement. It costs 6.2 billion won to build a security guard. They don’t want to live on public leases, but people are told to live on public leases. “.
Also, Democratic Party lawmaker Park Yong-jin fought a battle on social media.
Rep. Park said, “I am disappointed in Rep. Yoo,” and rebutted, “The public rental housing that the government has promoted is not that it will block my home arrangements, but rather that it allows people living in private rentals to accumulate assets “.
Representative Park said, “Efforts to unify the people are something that both conservatives and progressives must do. We must not stigmatize the people as a way of living and divide the people,” he said. “Distorting politics will not be the attitude of a person who wants to become president.” Indicated.
[방영덕 기자 [email protected]] [ⓒ 매일경제 & mk.co.kr, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]