Former legislator Geum Tae-seop, who was running for the Seoul Mayor by-elections next year, said on the 26th in his passport to demand the removal of Attorney General Yoon Seok-yul: “Please stop the useless work and focus on what is really important. ”
On this day, Congressman Geum Jeon said through his Facebook page: “The ruling party lawmakers are now pushing for impeachment” and “It is nothing more than a sordid stunt to get some scores from so-called strong supporters.
Geum Jeon noted that “we squandered every opportunity to politically resolve the conflict between the Minister of Justice and the Attorney General and focused on judicial treatment.”
Ahead of the former legislator, Kim Doo-gwan, a member of the Democratic Party, said on the 25th that “the court made an absurd decision” and that “the National Assembly will prepare a proposal for the impeachment of President Yun.”
The following is the full text of ex-legislator Tae-seop Geum’s Facebook post.
When the Constitutional Court cites the accusation of a public official, the main sentence is “to pardon 000”. In other words, to charge a public official in addition to all the other requirements, there must be a serious constitutional or legal violation that constitutes the dismissal.
The disciplinary disciplinary committee of the Ministry of Justice imposed on Attorney General Yoon Seok-yeol for two months is honesty. This means that even if both Minister Choo Mi-ae and the Ministry of Justice are correct, it is not the reason for the dismissal. Impeachment is like admitting it’s impossible in the first place. However, the ruling party lawmakers’ defense of impeachment is now nothing more than a sordid stunt to get some points from so-called strong supporters.
People are restless. The number of confirmed cases per corona exceeds 1,000 per day. An increasing number of people die without receiving proper treatment. Young people are frustrated by the frozen employment statement and many people are concerned about pregeneration. Is it time to do something like this when you are sick?
The mission of politics is to select the most difficult problems our society has encountered and to gather forces to find the answers. Bringing people of different opinions to face to face to find their way, that is the politics of unity.
It is truly unacceptable to waste every opportunity to politically resolve the conflict between the Minister of Justice and the Attorney General and stick with the judicial process, but now to re-accuse the people by advocating impeachment. Our society is facing a crisis that we have never experienced before. Stop useless work and focus on what really matters. There is no more time or energy to waste.
[우승준 매경닷컴 기자 [email protected]][ⓒ 매일경제 & mk.co.kr, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]