Vaccines, a solution that can end COVID-19, are a worldwide concern.
Many scientists and researchers around the world are working hard to develop vaccines.
Reporter Son Jeong-in on the status of vaccine development and measures to ensure the vaccine
[질문: 현재 개발중인 코로나19 백신은?]
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), as of yesterday (2 days), a total of 214 vaccines are being developed around the world.
Of these, 51 have entered clinical trials and a total of 13 vaccine candidates are in phase 3, the final phase.
Let’s look at each country.
There are five in China, four in the United States, and one in Germany, the United Kingdom, Russia, India, and Canada.
On average, the time it takes to develop a vaccine can be from several years to 10 years or more.
The mumps virus, the mumps vaccine, said to have been released in the shortest time possible, took up to four years.
In contrast, most of the COVID-19 vaccine development began earlier this year and is proceeding at unprecedented speed.
【Insert】 Tedros Adhanom Gebrejesus / WHO Secretary-General
“Never has a vaccine been developed at such a rapid rate in history. The scientific community has set a new standard for vaccine development.”
Verifying security has become more important at an unprecedented speed of development.
In fact, nine major vaccine developers in the US and Europe have even pledged not to apply for urgent approval or use unless their safety and efficacy are proven.
On the other hand, corona vaccines in China and Russia, developed with insufficient publicly available data, are raising concerns about safety.
[질문: 국내 백신 개발 진행 상황은?]Although the speed is slow compared to abroad, vaccines being developed by domestic drug companies are also making headway.
Three corona vaccine candidates are currently being developed in Korea19.
Two types of DNA vaccines that contain specific genes that produce antibodies and a synthetic antigen vaccine that recombines some proteins of the virus.
Two of these have been approved for clinical trials and all three are expected to begin clinical trials within this year.
Before this, some global pharmaceutical companies have produced good results in the final clinical trial.
These are Pfizer, the first in the world to be approved for emergency use in the UK, and Modena and AstraZeneca, which are awaiting approval in the US.
The distribution of the Pfizer and Modena vaccines is the biggest problem because they have strong preventive effects but are expensive and must be handled at cryogenic temperatures.
The AstraZeneca vaccine is somewhat less effective, but its low cost and distribution conditions are considered strengths.
[질문: 각국의 백신 선구매 현황은?]The country that has bought the most vaccines so far is the United States.
Europe and India follow.
In addition, we have confirmed or potential vaccine purchases in the order of ‘Covax’, an international project for equitable supply of vaccines, followed by the UK, Indonesia, Canada and Japan.
By population, Canada has the highest number of vaccines per capita.
We obtained 10.9 doses of vaccine per population.
The United States obtained 7.9 doses of vaccine in second place
They are followed by the United Kingdom, Australia, Chile, Japan and Vietnam.
Korea is also accelerating the procurement of vaccines abroad.
However, because vaccines take more time to verify than to develop, they are not rushed or judgmental.
[질문: 누가 먼저 백신을 맞을 수 있을까?]In general, priority is given to vaccinating medical personnel and infants, pregnant women and the elderly vulnerable to infection, but the vaccination standards established in each country are slightly different.
The four priority vaccination groups established by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention are healthcare workers, other essential industrial workers, people with underlying medical conditions, and people 65 and older. .
Germany is the first to vaccinate against people vulnerable to health, such as the elderly, and health workers, such as medical staff and nursing home staff, come next.
France listed taxi drivers and public transport workers who had a high death rate of crown 19 earlier this year as the first candidates for vaccination.
Italy plans to first vaccinate healthcare workers, the elderly, and patients with chronic diseases, and then expand it to the public service sector, such as military personnel and the police.
The UK, which will start vaccination next week, plans to vaccinate nursing home residents, the elderly over 80 and medical personnel first, and Japan has also decided to prioritize the elderly.
China also included foreign nationals in the priority vaccination group.
If so, what about our country?
Immediately after approval for emergency use of the vaccine, the Specialized Committee on Vaccination is held to determine who is eligible for vaccination.
It is likely to include medical personnel who are struggling at the head of quarantine and people 65 and older.
It is difficult to fight infectious diseases through quarantine alone.
We look forward to the day that Corona 19 disappears into history due to vaccine development, and we express our gratitude and encouragement to researchers struggling to develop a vaccine even at this time.
until now
# Corona vaccine # First vaccine purchase # Priority vaccination goal # Total reorganization of the vaccine
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