Minister Chu Mi-ae Strikes Back … ‘Seok-yeol Yoon Oversight and Removal Proposal’



Yesterday (26), the judicial committee’s state affairs audit was not present, but it was as if he was watching a battle between Justice Minister Chu Miae and Attorney General Yoon Seok-yeol. Minister Chu refuted President Yoon’s comments, which sprouted from the Supreme Swordsman’s Office, suggesting full oversight against him. Based on the results of the inspection, Minister Chu also made a comment that he would also review a proposed impeachment of President Yoon. If surveillance becomes a reality, things are likely to get worse. Today (27), at Mr. Choi’s presentation, we will see the latest news in detail.


“The Secretary General is not a subordinate of the Minister” and “The investigation and command authority exercised by the Minister is illegal.” Suppose that Kim Bong-hyun’s claim that Yoon Seok-yeol had served alcohol to the Supreme Prosecutor’s Office prosecutor had not been reported before it came to light through media reports, and Minister Choo Mi-ae ordered the inspection in full force at the time the National Prosecutor’s Office was underway. In addition, he announced that he would review the indictment on suspicion of removing the Optimus case from the charges when he was the Seoul Central District Prosecutor’s Office. This is because “common sense is not convinced” is that we do not report to the District Attorney.

The fact that the Ministry of Justice has inspected the current attorney general is quite unusual, except for former President Chae Dong-wook in 2013. At that time, when Minister Hwang Gyo-an ordered the inspection, Chae submitted his resignation. In other words, the president’s oversight is virtually interpreted as pressure to take over. In fact, such an atmosphere is detected. Democratic Party lawmaker Song Ki-heon said that if there is any violation of the law or regulations, the minister can suggest dismissal, asking whether he should be held liable, and that he will decide whether to dismiss it based on the views of politicians agree with the results of the inspection.

The attorney general is legally guaranteed a term of two years, except in cases of prosecution or prison. In particular, President Yoon said that the President had informed him that he should not resign. However, passports also make such claims.

[윤석열/검찰총장 (지난 22일) : (대통령이) 적절한 메신저를 통해 가지고 ‘흔들리지 말고 임기를 지키면서 소임을 다하라’라고 말씀을 전해주셨습니다.] [송기헌/더불어민주당 의원 (CBS ‘김현정의 뉴스쇼’) : (윤 총장이 거짓말했다?) 그럴 수도 있고요. 본인이 잘못 이해했을 수도 있고. 대통령을 방패막이로 해서 자신에 대한 비난을 좀 막으려고 하는 그런 것이 아닌가 생각도 할 수 있습니다.]

On the other hand, in the people’s power, Minister Chu Mi-ae’s statements were a problem. Minister Chu said that Kim Bong-hyun’s arguments are revealed to be true, including that he has served alcohol to a sitting prosecutor, and some of them have joined Lime’s investigation team.

[추미애/법무부 장관 (어제) : 김봉현의 진술에 의하면, ‘강남 술집에서 고액의 향응을 받은 검사가 바로 이 사건 수사팀장으로 투입돼서 복도에서 마주쳤다’ ‘깜짝 놀랐다’ ‘아는 척하지 말라, 라고 하더라’고 돼 있고요.]

He did not mention his real name, but the fact that he was appointed as the leader of the Lime investigation team would actually come down to one specific person. The force of the people argued that specific facts about the suspicion of hospitality have not yet been revealed, and that Minister Chu’s statements could be false.

[유상범/국민의힘 의원 (MBC ‘김종배의 시선집중’) : 추미애 장관께서 가끔씩 그렇게 과도하게 말씀하시는 부분이 있는데 경우에 따라서는 당사자가 명예훼손으로 고소를 해도 책임을 면하기 어렵지 않을까… (그 말씀은 지금 의원님께서 허위사실로 보신다는 말씀이시네요. 그러면?) 제가 아는 바로는 지금 현재 담당 검사가 그와 같이 술자리를 같이 한 적이 없다, 이렇게 저는 얘기를 들었습니다.]

The game of truth between Chu Mi-ae and Yoon Seok-yeol was also played through the sense of the Ministry of Justice and Supreme Fencing. In the process of greeting the first prosecutor after Minister Chu’s inauguration, Minister Chu said that the president had disobeyed his order, and Yoon confronted that the minister ignored the custom and did not consult with him. Yoon argued that this had happened to Chu at that time.

[윤석열/검찰총장 (지난 22일) : 저보고 초안을 짜라, 그래서 제가 ‘아니, 장관님 어디 검찰국에서 기본안이라도 좀 해서 주셔야 제가 하지 않겠습니까’ 그랬더니 본인은 제청권자이고 인사권자가 대통령이시기 때문에 아마 인사안이 청와대에 있을 겁니다, 청와대에 연락해서 받아보시고 거기에 의견 달아서 보내주세요, 이러더라고요. 청와대에서는 펄쩍 뛰죠. 터무니없는 일이라고.]

However, the position of the minister is different. Minister Chu asked the Attorney General to submit his opinion on personnel matters, but rather, he said,

[추미애/법무부 장관 (어제) : ‘의견을 먼저 주면 내 사람이 다 드러나게 되는데, 의견 제출을 하지 않겠다’ 라고 거부를 하고 도리어 ‘법무부 인사안을 먼저 내놓으면 의견을 그때 가서 제출하겠다’ 한 바가 있습니다.]

However, he noted that the power of the people is not responding whether it is true that the minister asked the president to contact the Blue House to receive a personnel plan, among President Yoon’s comments. There was a slight difference between the positions of the minister and the president, so this even came to light.

[김도읍/국민의힘 의원 (어제) : 장관님하고 윤석열 총장하고 같이 앉아가지고 대질 국감 한번 했으면 좋겠습니다. 예?] [추미애/법무부 장관 (어제) : 의원님은 검사를 오래 하셔서 대질조사를 좋아하시는 거 같은데요. 공직자로서는 예의가 있는 것이죠.] [김도읍/국민의힘 의원 (어제) : 윤 총장이 공개적으로 그렇게 얘기했으면 장관께서는 국민들께 그런 말을 했는지 안 했는지, 사실관계 확인해 줄 의무가 있다고 보는데요? (왜 의무가 있습니까? 인사에 대해서 의견을 들었고.) 그러면] [추미애/법무부 장관 (어제) : 인사에 대해서 제청권자로서 법에 따른 의견을 들었다, 라는 것인데 왜… (윤 총장의 이 발언 내용이 사실로 보면 되는 겁니까? 그러면 윤 총장의 이 발언 내용이 사실로 보면 되는 겁니까?) 그건 윤 총장과 해결을 하십시오.]

Congressman and Minister Chu Mi-ae didn’t just blush like that. There was also a completely different atmosphere that had not been seen before. Of course, it was a workshop. In his first investigation, Representative Chang Je-won cited various opinion polls and urged him to resign.

[장제원/국민의힘 의원 (어제) : 50% 이상의 국민들이 추 장관에게 마음이 떠났다고 보여지는데 야당의 주장이 근거가 없어 보이십니까?] [추미애/법무부 장관 (어제) : 많은 부분은 장제원 위원님도 많이 가공을 하셨지 않았나 싶습니다. (가공이요? 로우 데이터 보여드릴게요. 아 로우 데이터 제가 제출하겠습니다.) 언론이 제 아들과 저에 대해서 한 31만건 보도를 했어요. (알았어요, 알았어요.) 그렇게 무차별적 보도를 하고 여론조사를 한다면, 네 저렇겠죠. (예예. 알았어요.) 의원님도 장관 한번 해 보십시오.]

Representative Je-won Jang, who had not heard the words “Try the Minister”, found out so late, and came for an evening consultation and said, “I am very grateful to my senior, Chu Mi-ae, for instilling a dream of another challenge and goal. “I replied. Minister Chu was also the most harmonious moment of this day as he did not skimp on his virtues. Of course, you have to look at the remains of the virtues of the two people.

[장제원/국민의힘 의원 (어제) : 어차피 이 정권에서는 (장관) 안 시켜주실 것 같으니까 공부 열심히 하고 또 일 열심히 해서 우리가 정권을 잡아서 비법조인 출신 장관이 한번 될 수 있도록 제가 꿈을 한번 키워보겠습니다. 제가 장관이 되면요, 이 세상 시끄럽게 안 하고, 검찰하고 이렇게 충돌 안 하고 잘 설득하고, 또 야당과도 소통 잘해가고… (네 응원하겠습니다.) 예 나중에 제가 장관 되면 전임 장관으로 잘 모실게요 선배님! (많이 지도해드릴게요.)]

They are both a compliment, but why doesn’t it ring a compliment to my ears?

Today’s presentation will be summarized as follows. < 국감장은 벗어났지만…민주당 "윤석열, 해임건의 가능" 국민의힘 "추미애, 명예훼손 가능" > is.
