The German government has found clear evidence that Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalni, who is being treated in Germany, is addicted to the nerve agent ‘Novichok’. Nobichok was developed by the Soviet Union in the 1970s for military use and is known to be eight times more toxic than the VX used to assassinate Kim Jong-nam in North Korea.
The German government said in a statement on 2 (local time) that nobichok was detected in Navalni. “It is shocking that Navalni was the victim of an attack with a chemical nerve agent in Russia,” a spokesman for the Prime Minister’s Office, Stephen Seibert, said in a statement. “The government condemns this attack as the most powerful expression possible.” “We hope that Navalni makes a full recovery,” he said.
According to local media in Germany, the Charite Hospital in Berlin, Germany, where Navalni is recently hospitalized, decided that the Navalni case was similar to the attempted murder of the woman Sergei Scripal in 2018, and sought the advice of the British secret laboratory, an institute. of research related to chemical and biological weapons. It was known.
Sergei Scripal, a double spy from Russia, was found unconscious after being addicted to poison with his daughter on a bench outside a shopping center in Salisbury, England. This woman was hospitalized, treated and was only discharged a month, saving her life. At the time, the material used in the assassination attempt was Nobichok. The Russian government was blamed for this incident.
Spokesperson Seibert added: “We will also inform the member states of the EU (European Union) and NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) about the results of this test,” he added. “We will discuss appropriate joint responses considering Russia’s response.”
Navalni, who is considered the politician of Russian President Vladimir Putin, suddenly fell into a coma from Tomsk, Siberia, on the 20th of last month, and was rushed to the Omsk Siberian Hospital.
Navalni argued that the car he drank at the airport before boarding the plane would have been poisoned. Doctors at Charite Hospital also revealed that Navalni had found signs of a cholinesterase inhibitor used in insecticides.
However, the Russians claimed that Navalni’s body did not contain any poison and that he had collapsed from a metabolic disease caused by hypoglycemia. Currently Navalni is still in serious condition, but is said to be making progress.