Check-in 2020.05.15 11:31
The | Revision 2020.05.15 11:37
Jin “The unified party has not yet crossed the river of impeachment”
“Only Taegeukgi’s maintenance YouTubers are left, you can become a fan.”
“Min Kyung-wook, I have to cut it, I keep thinking

Professor Jin said on this day: “The party leader was Hwang Kyo-an. “If you look at this, you can’t go beyond the river of accusation.” Professor Jin told former President Hwang: “I am the Prime Minister of impeachment. Since he was a “battle launcher”, he was not recognized as an alternative. So (the power) didn’t stick. “Professor Jin said:” The reason for the defeat of the United Party elections is linked to this. He said: “I could not cross the river of accusation.”
After all, there was only one conservative Taegeukgi youtuber in the United Party. I became a fanatic because I was going to agitate and win. “Professor Jin said:” It was a conspiracy theory because defeat was not recognized. “” Conservative communication is distorted, “he said.” I couldn’t innovate, so I trusted them. and I transmitted to them the hegemony of public opinion. “He said:” I am satisfied with my unconditional support. “
Professor Jin also said that he nominated Senator Min Kyung-wook. I’m still thinking. “