Six months before the by-election of Busan mayor, Kim Jong-in, who visited Busan on the 16th, showed confidence in the electoral victory. It starts from the premise that the force of the people is the ‘good candidate’. However, President Kim also pointed out the situation in the party that the “new person” is not yet visible.
President Kim visited Busan to attend the 41st anniversary of the Buma Democratic Uprising held at Pusan National University on this day. After attending the ceremony, we held a meeting with the Busan Tourism Association and visited the Dr. Ki-rye Gi-rye memorial hall called ‘Schweitzer of Asia’ to hear local public opinion. On this day, the focus of President Kim’s visit to Busan was on the by-elections for the mayor of Busan scheduled for April next year. President Kim said negatively to those named as candidates for the Jacheontacheon People’s Force: “I have a feeling that I am going to the mayor because it is not fun to vote for the 3rd and 4th members of the National Assembly.” He added: “There is no one person outlining the future of Busan development with a great design. We still do not see any suitable person,” he added. “We will prepare a race rule that actively reflects the intentions of the citizens of Busan.” By emphasizing the “competition rule,” he expressed his intention to thoroughly increase the candidate’s competitiveness.
President Kim, however, viewed positively the possibility of winning the election. He met with journalists and said: “I am not very concerned about the prospects for the elections.” .
The Buma Uprising, which President Kim attended the memorial ceremony, was a democratization protest in Busan and Masan in 1979 against the Yushin dictatorship of the Park Chung-hee military regime. Since last year, the government has designated it as a national anniversary and is holding an official ceremony. In August, President Kim visited the May 18 Democratic Cemetery in Gwangju and tried to show sincerity by making a “knee apology” for the remorse of former Free Korea Party (now people’s power) lawmakers. Therefore, President Kim’s visit to Busan on this day was interpreted as part of a visit to the Holy Land for democracy. It is a cornerstone for realizing the spirit of national integration by reflecting the spirit of the “democratization movement” in party politics established by President Kim’s system.
Meanwhile, President Kim appointed former lawmaker Jeong Yang-seok, who was from Honam, to replace former Secretary-General Kim Seon-dong, who resigned due to the possibility of running for mayor of Seoul. Representative Jeong, a former party secretary, was re-elected in Gangbuk-gap, a difficult place to represent in Seoul, and is said to be suitable for the general secretary who deals with the internal life of the party.
Hye-mi Lee reporter herstory@hankookilbo.com
Busan Jang Soo-hyun Internal reporter jangsue0116@gmail.com
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