“I was pressured for ‘donation’ by accident.” Can it be canceled?
Busan.com reporter Hyejin Jang [email protected]
Check-in: 2020-05-12 09:45:31Edit: 2020-05-12 10:13:35Posted: 2020-05-12 10:13:43
On day 11, the first day of the government’s emergency disaster assistance payments, which paid up to 1 million won per household, questions were asked about whether she could receive a refund after pressing the donation button. It means the donation was made by clicking the click box without thinking.
Currently, in general, if you enter personal information on each credit card request screen and authenticate, the amount of support received by the customer will appear and the donation request will also appear. After entering the donation amount, the application process is completed. At this time, if you press the ‘Accept’ button successively, you agree to ‘donate’ the donation and the disaster aid donation will be processed.
Originally, the card industry required a separate donation request screen and donation screen. In other words, the application process was started and completed by clicking on the application menu, and only customers who were interested in making a donation were asked to make a donation by clicking on the application menu separately. However, the government has instructed the government to insert the donation application process into the application process, and the current application process for donations has been prepared.
If so, is it possible that the amount of disaster donations that were donated in error can be returned?
The Ministry of Public Administration and Security said: “If you request a donation once, you cannot cancel it.” However, as complaints and inquiries continued, each card company decided to allow the donation to be canceled or the amount changed only for the day’s request.
The credit card application details can be transferred to the government every day at 11:30 p.m., and the donation can be canceled or the donation can be changed before that. However, KB Kookmin, Lotte, Hana, BC (Uri), and NH Nonghyup Card can be edited on the home page and mobile app, but Shinhan, Samsung, and Hyundai Card must be accessed through a call center or a store.
Busan.com reporter Hyejin Jang [email protected]