Government ‘target of vaccination with corona vaccine for the second half of next year … debate on obtaining the phase 3 vaccine


“It will be possible with the confirmation of side effects and the vaccination and cold chain strategy.”

“In contact with a phase 3 company … Domestic clinical trials of plasma and antibody treatment too”

Joon-wook Kwon, Deputy Chief of the Central Defense Agency / Yonhap News

Amid clinical trial results showing that the vaccine being developed by the US pharmaceutical company Pfizer and the German Bioentech is effective in preventing infection by the new coronavirus (Corona 19), the government is working to target vaccination. national in the second half of next year if a vaccine is developed. He announced that he would do a good preparation.

At a regular briefing on the 10th, Kwon Jun-wook, head of the 2nd Division of the Central Defense Response Headquarters (Bang Dae-bon), answered a related question at a regular briefing on the 10th. “Yes you want to complete various systems, such as caring for cold chains (low temperature distribution) while modifying and supplementing, you will be insured after the second quarter of next year. He said: “I think we should aim for this and prepare in a practical way. What is more important than development is to introduce them and control adverse reactions after vaccination, ”he added. Deputy CEO Kwon said: “Results from Pfizer’s separate clinical trials will be announced separately, and if that happens, some countries will judge whether vaccination will begin within this year.” I’m doing.”

Assistant CEO Kwon expressed a cautious position, saying that Pfizer’s clinical results are not final, so we must remain vigilant until the trial is completed. He said: “I am interested in how the effect by age group has been achieved, especially in the group with a high mortality rate of 60 years or more and with an underlying disease. Side effects are also very important problems. “

The government is following a ‘two-way strategy’, which is contracted individually with global pharmaceutical companies, while strengthening international cooperation to quickly secure the Corona 19 vaccine if it is developed. In this regard, the deputy general director Kwon said: “Our country sent a confirmation letter to the COVAX facilities on the 9th of last month and paid an advance to ensure the Corona 19 vaccine next year, which represents 20% of the total population. ”. The Pfizer vaccine) is also on the list of candidates that we can choose ”.

He also said: “We are at the end of our efforts to secure a vaccine for Corona 19 through bilateral consultations with some global pharmaceutical companies. We are talking and seriously discussing with all the institutions that are entering phase 3 clinical trials.” The vaccines that Pfizer is developing are known to require distribution and storage below -70 degrees Celsius. In this regard, Kwon said, “because the vaccine is virtually ineffective other than at low temperatures, I think a fairly complex preparation process, sophisticated simulations and even repeated training and training are necessary.”

Meanwhile, in Korea, clinical trials are underway for COVID-19 antibody and plasma therapy. According to Bang Dae-bon, 11 clinical trial participants are registered with 12 medical institutions for the treatment of the blood system, and 51 participants (10 domestic participants and 41 foreign participants) are registered with 17 medical institutions for the treatment of antibodies. The targets for clinical trials of blood system drugs and antibody treatments are 60 and 300, respectively.

The deputy director of Kwon said: “Through the Pang Government Support Committee for the Development of Treatment and Vaccines, we are working to create the conditions for the voluntary participation of confirmed patients and medical institutions, and the National Institute of Infectious Diseases We are discussing advice from design, etc. “Daebon Bang announced that people who recovered after receiving a confirmed diagnosis in Daegu regarding the development of drugs for the blood system will donate plasma for three weeks starting on the 16th.

/ Reporter Ji Woong-bae

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