US President Joe Biden urged Congress to address the hate crime law on the 19th (local time) in the Atlanta shootings, in which eight people, including four Koreans, were killed.
In a statement released today, President Biden said that he and his wife share the national pain and anger over the incident. “I urge Congress to accelerate the New Coronavirus Infection Hate Crimes Act.”
He also explained that the law will facilitate the federal government’s rapid response to the increase in hate crimes that have worsened during the pandemic, support state and local governments with better reporting of hate crimes, and increase access to criminal information for the Asian-American community.
“The motive (for the crime) is not yet known,” he said. “As I said last week, we condemn the current crisis of sex-based violence and Asian violence, which have plagued our country for a long time, in the strongest tone.”
In the first week of his inauguration in January, he presented that he signed a measure to condemn and eradicate racism, xenophobia and intolerance towards the Asia Pacific (AAPI) in the United States. When he said.
President Biden has been an intense critic of white supremacy and terrorist forces in the United States, and in his speech on the 11th, he emphasized that the heinous hate crimes that have raged against Asian Americans since the pandemic must stop.
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President Biden’s statement that day indicated that he was aware of Asian concerns in the early days of the incident, and investigating authorities did not determine the motive for the crime.
Of course, this statement also hinted that the motive was unknown, but could be interpreted as a result of weighing the possibility that it was based on race and hatred.
Investigating authorities also made a statement that appeared to focus on sex addiction as the motive for the shooter’s crime in the early days of the incident, but when faced with a headwind, the attitude changed by failing to exclude prosecution for crimes of hate.
President Biden plans to add a meeting with Asian representatives to his visit to Atlanta, Georgia before the incident to hear opinions on the shootings.
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