Audience Competition-focused film festival … Union Film Festival YouTube Festival …


Film festivals changed in the crown period
The Jeonju International Film Festival opens on the 28th of this month and plans to operate online with a minimum number of people.
20 film festivals like Cannes and Venice … Free film festival for 10 days from 29

Audience enjoying the Jeonju International Film Festival last May. This year, the Jeonju International Film Festival was held as an online audience film festival, making it difficult to see this. Jeonju = Newsis

What will the ‘Corona era film festival’ be like? Even the Cannes International Film Festival in France is in the midst of the new Infectious Coronavirus Disease (Corona19), and the 21st Jeonju International Film Festival is held online as a “Public Film Festival”.

Lee Dong-joon, executive director of the Jeonju International Film Festival, said: “I have been delaying the film festival for about a month and have been struggling with various methods due to concerns about the spread of Corona 19. I thought about it.

The Jeonju International Film Festival, which will open on the 28th, will be held as a “Public Film Festival” with a minimum number of participants, including members of the jury and directors of the competition. It is a way in which only judges, directors, actors and production officials who evaluate works without the audience attend the auditorium. The work, which was requested by filmmakers and directors, would be screened online. The festival is struggling to find ways to communicate with the online audience, including film festival podcasts and Naver V Live.
The Busan International Film Festival, the largest film festival in Korea, is interested in the possibility of the “second pandemic” of Corona 19 before October this year. The film festival is considering the number of cases, such as holding a regular event, some reductions, and holding an online event. As Corona 19 spreads across the globe, most overseas attendees haven’t decided this year. The Bucheon International Fantasy Film Festival, to be held in July, has started pre-registration for attendees starting this month with the aim of celebrating the summit.

Twenty film festivals, including the Cannes and Venice International Film Festival, will host a free online film festival on YouTube. This festival, titled “We Are One,” was organized by Tribeca Enterprise, which organizes the Tribeca Film Festival in New York, USA. And you can watch free movies on YouTube for 10 days from the 29th. The online festival will include the world’s top three film festivals, including Cannes, Venice, and Berlin, the American film festivals Sundance and Tribeca, and the Toronto Canadian Film Festival. You can watch movies selected by each film festival, and movie fans can watch Corona 19 for free via the donation button in the YouTube window while doing so for free.

Reporter Seohyun Lee


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