Ahn Cheol-soo, the representative of the People’s Party, was chosen as the sole candidate for the third zone, beating former legislator Geum Tae-seop. Now, the power of the people and the unification of the final opposition lie ahead. Both parties are already fighting for the initiative. Captain Park Joon-woo summed up the news of the opposition’s repatriation.
[기자]I woke up late in the morning. Because today (1st) is a red day. I breathed a sigh of relief. I think I can sleep better. The moment I was about to lay my eyes on him again, a breaking news alarm hit my smartphone. The title of the news flash is'[1보] Ahn Chul-soo wins Geum Tae-seop in the third zone unification contest. ‘ Reporters suffer a lot on days off. It’s me, because today is my day off. As soon as I tried to lay my head on the pillow, a nightmare scene suddenly came to mind.
[복국장 : 3·1절 얘기가 나왔으니까 다시 한 번 강조하지만 3·1절에 정치부회의합니다 조 반장, 알았죠? 류정화 반장한테 연락했어요? 휴가 가 있는… (네 얘기했습니다. 굉장히 아쉬워하더라고요.) (특기가 취재잖아요. 제가 사내 취재를 해보니까 3·1절에 저희 쉴 수도 있었는데 국장이 또 무조건 회의를 해야 한다 뭐 이런 식으로 주장하셨다고…) 취재를 잘못했네요. (팩트입니까?) 끝나고 다시 얘기할게요. 오..오…보한 거 같은데?]Did you see him stutter at the end? It was not a misinformation. Our director is this kind of person. I am very happy to be able to work together. As such, I was summoned to the company in an anti-autonomous way, and I worked hard to report on it today. According to the aforementioned breaking news headline, Ahn Chul-soo, the representative of the People’s Party, was chosen as the sole candidate for the third zone after defeating former lawmaker Geum Tae-seop.
[정연정/안철수 후보 측 실무협상단 대표 : 지난 27일 100% 국민여론조사 경선 결과 안철수 후보가 범야권 제3지대 단일화 경선에서 승리하였습니다.] [김태형/금태섭 후보 측 대변인 : 양측은 오늘 결과가 서울시장 보궐선거에서 야권 단일화 및 야권 승리의 교두보가 될 수 있기를 희망합니다.]The approval ratings of the two candidates were said to have not been released in accordance with election committee guidelines. Representative Ahn said, “I will condemn democracy and anti-democratic forces that destroy the rule of law and will surely create a bridgehead for regime change.” Representative Geum, the loser, was also elevated. “With the bold determination and participation of candidate Tae-seop Geum, the snowball for regime change began to pile up.”
In fact, former legislator Geum lost in the primaries, but in this phase of unification of the opposition he gained considerable political advantages. It was a time when the unification of the powers of the opposition was undermined by the struggle between President Ahn and the force of the people. It was Geum Jeon who solved the clue of unifying the opposition by proposing the unification of the third zone first. Through conversations with CEO Ahn, we also raised awareness.
[금태섭/전 의원 (지난달 25일) : 문재인 정부 심판해야 합니다. 단순한 반문연대로는 안 됩니다. 새로운 인물, 이길 수 있는 사람을 내세워야 합니다. 저는 문재인 정부 4년 동안 소신과 원칙을 지켰습니다.]Immediately after the announcement of the contest results, Geum Jeon left a brief post saying that he sincerely congratulates Representative Ahn and wishes good results. I was curious about Congressman Geum Jeon’s plans, so I spoke directly with the officials at Keum Tae-seop’s camp. Geum Jeon asked what role he would play in the final unification of the opposition. He said it is difficult to comment on the schedule going forward as the results of today’s contest were announced. There is a reason why I paid attention to the role of the ex-legislator.
[JTBC ‘뉴스룸 앵커브리핑’ (2016년 7월 11일) : 하루에 두 번. 이른 새벽과 저녁 어스름… 붉은 태양빛과 컴컴한 어둠이 교차하는 시간이 있습니다. 저 멀리 다가오는 희미한 그림자가 나를 해치러 오는 늑대인지, 아니면 내가 믿고 의지하는 개인지 분간하기 어려운 순간. 프랑스에서는 사물이 뚜렷하게 보이지 않는 그 순간을 ‘개와 늑대의 시간’이라고 부른다고 합니다.]Now the “moment for the unification of the rights of the opposition” has come. Suddenly, the word “time between dogs and wolves” came to mind. Dramas with the same title once became popular. The unification of the opposition seems to have reached the “moment between dogs and wolves.” You have entered a time of chaos where you cannot tell if it is an individual or a wolf. The power of the people and the Nationalist Party have already begun to wage an unpredictable war of nerves.
[김종인/국민의힘 비상대책위원장 (어제) : 그 역할을 할 수 있는 정당이 어느 정당이냐 하는 것을 생각을 하는 것이지, 어느 특정인을 갖다 놓고서 유권자들이 판단한다고 보지 않아요. 제3지대 어떤 사람이 후보가 된다고 하는 것은 상상할 수가 없기 때문에…] [안철수/국민의당 대표 : 제1야당 책임을 맡으신 분이니까 이제 제1야당을 중심에 두고 말씀하시는 건 너무나 당연한 이야기 아니겠습니까. 그렇지만 이번 선거는 야권이 전체가 힘을 합치지 않으면 여당을 이기기 힘든 그런 선거입니다.]CEO Ahn Cheol-soo emphasized the beautiful unit. Kim Jong-in and Ahn Chul-soo fight for the leadership of unification. I predicted that Congressman Geum would attempt to act as an intermediary between the two in this process, as Congressman Geum began to unify the opposition. For the moment, Congressman Monet will also need time to organize his thoughts. First, President Kim also began to strengthen internal solidarity before unification. Meanwhile, the competition between candidates has been heating up during the contest. It seems the time has come to emphasize teamwork as an original team.
[김종인/국민의힘 비상대책위원장 (어제) : 설사 이번에 후보가 되지 않은 분들께도 이번에 뽑히는 우리 후보를 위해서, 당의 앞으로 진로를 위해서 모두가 다 협력해서 우리가 선출한 후보가 반드시 당선될 수 있도록 최선의 노력을 갖다가 해주실 거라고 당부를 드립니다.]This is what President Kim said yesterday at the preliminary meeting of mayoral candidates in Seoul. Looking at it, I can see the picket that President Kim and the candidates are holding, and somehow I feel like a logo from the past of the tea ceremony.
[정치부회의 : 오늘 정치부회의는 여기 까지고요. 저희는 내일 5시 10분에 다시 찾아 뵙겠습니다.]It seems that the power of the people has evaluated the Political Section. Well, the interpretation is arbitrary. I’ll think about it and move on. In politics, the interpretation of President Kim’s words is divided. It is a comment that “may disappear before the by-elections.” President Kim has stated, ‘I am a natural person’ several times since the by-elections. What does it mean to say that you will be a natural person before the by-elections? Some people have interpreted that if Ahn became the final opposition candidate, he would have beaten ‘Bae Soo-jin’, meaning that President Kim would step down.
[김종인/국민의힘 비상대책위원장 (어제) : 내가 뭐 안철수 후보가 단일화된다고 해서 사라진다고 그런 이야기한 적 없어요.]I drew a line that said it didn’t mean that. There is also an interpretation that Ahn still expressed the idea that he is not “ugly”.
Here, former Congressman Seung-min Yoo came out to help President Kim. In an interview with the press yesterday, if CEO Ahn becomes a single candidate, he said: “I promise that at least we will be unified, and joining the Uri Party and being number two will help us win.” “I am concerned about how voluntarily people who support popular power will vote for the representative of Ahn if I put the number 4 and go to the elections until the end,” he argued. Of course, CEO Ahn seems very reluctant.
[안철수/국민의당 대표 : 우리가 야권 단일화를 하는 이유가 여당 후보와 싸워서 이기기 위한 것 아니겠습니까? 누가 몇 번으로 어떤 당이 후보를 내는가가 중요한 게 전혀 아닙니다. 그건 야권 지지자들의 마음을 읽지 못한 겁니다.]Political scientist Gyu-jin Ham described the election as “the politics of dogs and wolves.” Before the elections, I thought it was a ‘dog’ coming to greet me, so I picked it up, but when that dog is elected, there are many cases where he betrayed public opinion before the election and became a ‘ Wolf. ‘. The opposition that goes through the ‘time between dogs and wolves’, and is buried in political and engineering interests, only fights each other and can be photographed as a ‘wolf’ by voters even before the elections. Aside from unification, voters also need time to discern who the real ‘dog’ is.
Today’s opposition presentation is summarized below. < 안철수, 제3지대 단일화 승리…이제 최종 야권 단일화의 시간 >