[정치]That’s different then … a new airport run by politics


Former President Roh Moo-hyun Raises the Need for a New Airport in the Yeongnam Region
Former President Lee Myung-bak pledges to become a ‘New Southeast Airport’
Park Geun-hye Administration Completes New Gimhae Airport For TKPK Fight
Rapid Changes After Moon Jae-in Administration Launch … Weight at New Gadeokdo Airport


As the new Gimhae airport was practically in the process of being disposed of, a fierce conflict over the new airport in the Yeongnam region became inevitable once again.

Criticism is mounting that the national politics he has been leading for 20 years is being changed by politics and he cannot catch up all the time.

This is Woo Cheol-hee.

[기자] [노무현 / 당시 대통령 (지난 2006년 12월, 부산북항 개발 보고회의) : 이 자리에서 바로 하명하겠습니다. 지금부터 공식적으로 검토해서 가급적이면 신속하게 어느 방향이든 방향을 결론 내도록 합시다.]

It was this very word from former President Roh Moo-hyun that sparked the issue of the new airport in the Yeongnam region.

After that, former President Lee Myung-bak, who took office, also promised to build a new airport, and he seemed to be in a good wind.

Where the optimal location is, things start to get confused from then on.

A host war was conducted between Gadeok Island and Miryang, Gyeongsangnam-do in Busan, between local governments.

The government, which had only looked at both sides, said both were not economically viable and did not raise a hand.

[이명박 / 당시 대통령 (지난 2011년 4월) : 동남권 신공항 공약을 지킬 수 없게 된 것에 대해 저는 개인적으로 매우 안타깝고 송구스럽게 생각합니다. 특히 영남 지역 주민 여러분께도 심심한 위로의 말씀을 드리고자 합니다.]

Park Geun-hye’s management was no different.

As the support base of the Busan and Daegu-Gyeongbuk lawmakers competed with each other, they finally came to a conclusion with the expansion of the Gimhae airport.

[박근혜 / 당시 대통령 (지난 2016년 6월) : 김해공항을 신공항 급으로 확장하는 것이 최선의 방안이라고 결론을 내렸고 정부도 이러한 제안을 수용하기로 했습니다.]

Even at this time, he was confident that he had had a fair assessment by entrusting the service to a foreign company.

However, the situation has changed again for Moon Jae-in’s administration.

Gadeok-do was working hard to build a new airport.

[이낙연 / 더불어민주당 대표 (지난 4일, 부산 현장최고위) : 가덕도 신공항 적정성 여부를 조사할 용역비를 이번 예산에 반영하자는 제안을 했습니다. 가덕도 신공항이 검토의 대상으로 올랐다는 뜻도 되겠습니다.]

In the end, the new Gimhae airport is practically eliminated.

In the past, Gadeokdo, who was last among the candidates due to lack of economy, is on the rise again.

[허희영 / 한국항공대 경영학과 교수 : 프랑스의 ADPi(파리공항공단엔지니어링)가 평가를 했었죠. 밀양, 현재 위치 김해공항 확장, 가덕도를 놓았는데요. 가덕도가 가장 낮은 점수를 받았습니다.]

According to the interests of politicians, history shows why it is inevitable to criticize that serious national projects have dispersed.

YTN Woo Cheolhee[[email protected]]it is.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]