[국제]”RCEP is a victory for China” … The United States is excluded and Korea, China and Japan participate



The United States is in a hurry to sign RCEP, the Asia-focused Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement.

This is because China has managed to sign a free trade agreement that includes not only Korea but also Japan, and this agreement is evaluated as “China’s victory.”

Reports from Beijing correspondent Kang Seong-woong.


Chinese Prime Minister Li Keqiang declared that the signing of the RCEP is a victory for multilateralism and free trade.

China is welcome to secure economic alliances against the US strategy of “excluding China.”

[왕서우원 / 중국 상무부 차관 : 15개 참가국 상품 교역에서 관세를 줄이고, 서비스 교역에서는 장벽을 없앨 것입니다.]

With the United States absent, it is also advantageous for China that most of the major Asian countries have participated in the RCEP.

In particular, it is notable that Japan, a military alliance with the United States, joined the multilateral free trade agreement.

Traditional American friends like Korea, Australia, and New Zealand are also important participants in RCEP.

[장젠핑 / 중국 상무부 국제무역경제협력 연구원 지역경제협력연구센터장 : 한·중·일 3국이 동북아의 경쟁력을 구축해 나가면서 전략적 관점에서 협력을 강화하는 것이 중요합니다.]

The British Economist called China the winner and the United States and India the losers at the conclusion of the RCEP.

They agree only on tariffs and basic trade promotion measures, so there are limitations, but they believe that the benefits of China are enormous.

[자오리젠 / 중국 외교부 대변인 : RCEP의 체결이 역내 경제의 회복을 촉진하고 전 세계 경제의 성장을 견인하는 효과를 낼 것입니다.]

Contrary to China’s advance, cooperation on the US free trade agreement has taken a step back in the past four years.

We are faced with a fierce challenge from China, which puts our own interests first and puts multilateral economic cooperation first.

US President-elect Biden said he will not allow China to lead the Asia Pacific region.

It is increasingly clear that the Biden administration will continue to fight by force between the United States and China.

YTN Sungwoong Kang from Beijing[[email protected]]it is.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]