[사회][팩트와이] Does the Flu Vaccine Increase Your Risk of COVID-19 Infection?



The anxiety surrounding the stability of the flu vaccine rarely goes away.

Meanwhile, a recent Internet outlet reported that a study has shown that the flu vaccine not only does not have a preventive effect, but increases the risk of contracting Corona 19.

If it’s a reliable report, I checked the facts.

This is Kim Dae-gyeom.


“The flu vaccine is not effective in preventing infection.”

“If you get the flu vaccine, your risk for infectious diseases like corona increases by 65%.

These are the contents of two articles that an Internet medium recently reported as exclusive.

▲ Claim to be a US medical organization?

Both articles cite the position of PIC, a medical organization that defends the rights of health care consumers in the United States.

PIC is a group of clinicians who value patient choice and have consistently raised questions about the efficacy of vaccines, but have not been recognized by the academic community.

[마상혁 / 대한백신학회 부회장 : 논문 하나씩만으로 주장하는 건 어불성설입니다.(백신이 문제가 있다는) 주장을 하려면 끊임없이 관련 자료를 만들어서 주장하면 우리가 받아들일 수 있지만….]

▲ A 65% increased risk of corona 19 infection?

This is the PIC report, the source of the two articles.

The first thing that comes to mind is that people who get the flu vaccine have a 65% increased risk of contracting a non-influenza virus or bacterial infection.

However, if you look at the CDC report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which is the basis for this claim, it is difficult to generalize it because it was only found in children and adolescents under the age of 18 in low-income households with relatively low immunity.

Above all, as a result of a study published in April 2018, there is no evidence to associate it with Corona 19, a new infectious disease first reported in Wuhan, China, in December 2019.

[이근화 / 한양대 의대 미생물학 교수 (대한바이러스학회 홍보부장) : 지금 보내주신 논문은 다 코로나랑 (관련성을) 찾을 수 없어요. 다 코로나19라고 얘기하는 이게 유행하기 전에 나왔던 논문들이어서….]

▲ A 65% flu prevention failure rate?

The PIC report also states that the vaccine has a 65% flu failure rate.

YTN reporters found the 18 articles cited as footnotes in the PIC report and reviewed them with experts.

By the way, none of the studies show that the flu vaccine has a 65% failure rate.

[백순영 / 가톨릭의대 미생물학교실 교수 : (특정 연도에) 이 백신의 efficacy, 즉 효과가 상당히 떨어졌던 것이 사실이지만, 전체적으로 봤을 때는 일정 부분 효과를 나타내고 있고, 대략 40%나 60% 정도의 효과를 나타내는 것으로 보여서….]

Experts have assumed that PIC has reprocessed the findings of the flu vaccine’s antibody formation rates in a way that favors them.

YTN Kim Dae-gyeom[[email protected]]it is.

Internal reporter Lee Soo-hyun [[email protected]]

Researcher Mihwa Kim [[email protected]]

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]