Resume operation of entertainment facilities and buffets … Urban assembly and sale is prohibited.



In about two months I was back to the first stage of social distancing. High-risk facilities like clubs and karaoke rooms opened today (12th), and the number of weddings rose. It was based on the government’s judgment that both the quarantine and the economy should be combined. However, there are 97 new cases today, almost 100. Still, you shouldn’t be watching. The related news was hosted by Shin Hye-won.

[기자] [박능후/보건복지부 장관 : 한글날 연휴를 보내고 새롭게 시작되는 월요일입니다. 사회적 거리두기 조정 방안을 발표하였습니다. 광복절 이후 거의 2달 만에 아직 완전한 수준은 아니지만 1단계로 돌아왔습니다.]

As of today, it is the first stage of national social distancing. First, let’s start with the first step, where the enemy is insignificant and what changes.

First of all, high-risk facilities that have been closed until now, such as large academies, buffets, and singing practice centers, may be open from today. However, door-to-door sales businesses that had many senior group infections were excluded. Even if you open the door, there are some things to put away. Five facilities, including the club and Gamseong Izakaya, which lined up as early as 12 noon today. For every 4m2 of reported area, only one person, about 100 pyeong, can only enter 80 people.

[서정협/서울시장 권한대행 (화면출처: 유튜브 ‘서울시·Seoul’) : 유흥시설은 집합 금지가 해제되지만, 위험도를 고려해 클럽, 감성주점, 콜라텍 등 춤을 추는 유흥시설은 1시간당 10분 또는 3시간당 30분간의 ‘휴식시간제 운영’ 수칙을 추가할 계획입니다.]

Then let’s see the wedding. Since the limit of 50 indoors and 100 outdoors has been removed, you can now invite more people, but wearing a mask and managing your access list is essential. As the distance has been adjusted, we will take a closer look at the rules of prevention.

The national soccer team against the Olympics will take place at 8:00 tonight. The first game was played without a spectator, but today it can be played with applause in front of 3,000 spectators. However, it is forbidden to animate an education that may carry splashes. 30% of the seats are allowed for various sporting events such as professional baseball.

The next church. In the metropolitan area, you can also worship in person for 30% of the number of seats. However, you cannot eat small meals or small meals. For non-metropolitan churches, the local mayor is determined according to local conditions.

I am interested in knowing when children will go to school correctly. So far, in the metropolitan area, a third of the total number of elementary and secondary schools and two-thirds of secondary schools have attended school. The lower grades of primary school, where social development is important, must attend school at least three times a week. In Seoul, first-year elementary school students will attend school every day starting next week. ‘It’s a two-thirds limit, how do I go every day?’ I want. Nor is it impossible if it operates by grade or class, or if it is divided into morning and afternoon classes.

[유은혜/사회부총리 겸 교육부 장관 (어제) : 탄력적인 학사 운영을 통해 유·초·중학교도 최대 2/3까지 밀집도를 조정할 수 있도록 하겠습니다. 학교 선생님들의 방역 부담을 덜기 위해 방역인력, 원격학습 도우미를 지원합니다. 총 4만7000여 명이 학교 현장을 지원할 것입니다.]

Finally, it is a rally. Seoul, which experienced the Liberation Day rally, has banned the gatherings of 10 or more people from across Seoul since August 21. This criterion is also relaxed to more than 100 people. Maybe soon there will be a meeting reporting to 99 people. Still, you should follow the 7 rules, which include measuring your body temperature, making a list, wearing a mask, and keeping a distance of 2 meters or more.

[서정협/서울시장 권한대행 (화면출처: 유튜브 ‘서울시·Seoul’) : 사회적 거리두기는 완화되지만, 감염 위험이 높은 집회에 대해서는 2단계에 준하는 조치를 취하는 것입니다.]

Today, the first day of phase 1, there were 97 new cases, almost 100. It means you shouldn’t feel relieved. The proportion of entries increased significantly, with 68 domestic entries and 29 foreign entries. This is the impact of 11 trainees who came to study Korean in Nepal at the same time. When looking at the occurrences only in Korea, 48 people only in the metropolitan area and 70% of the national occurrences come from the metropolitan area. Another area to consider is Daejeon. The number of new confirmed cases is 13.

Among the 7 family members who had a family reunion in Daejeon during the Chuseok holidays, there was a grandson who went to daycare. Three children from the nursery who had contact with this child, the principal, two teachers and a cook were confirmed one after another.

Faced with this situation, there is an opinion among experts that the first step down is too early and it is necessary to be more cautious. In the end, the government explained that the decision was made to capture the two rabbits at the same time, quarantine and economy.

[대통령 주재 수석보좌관회의 : 특히 오랜 방역 강화 조치로 가중되고 있는 민생 경제의 어려움과 국민들의 피로감도 종합적으로 고려했습니다. 다만, 고위험 다중이용시설 등의 방역 관리는 한시의 빈틈도 없도록 하겠습니다.
시설의 운영 중단이나 폐쇄를 최소화하면서 시설별, 업종별 위험도에 따라 보다 정밀하고 효과적인 방역 조치를 시행하게 될 것입니다.]

This is the situation abroad. It is about President Trump of the United States. I enjoy bouncing action, but the actions I have taken over the past few years are very “good for the world.” He said, “I have developed immunity against Corona 19,” and said he would resume the full-scale presidential campaign.

[도널드 트럼프/미국 대통령 (현지시간 지난 11일 / 화면출처: 폭스뉴스) : 나는 미친 중국 바이러스를 이겼습니다. 나는 가장 높은 기준의 테스트를 통과했습니다. 더 기분이 좋은 건, ‘면역력’의 의미를 알죠? 어떤 보호막 같은 걸 가졌다고 할까요.]

Over the weekend, I delivered a Japanese speech to supporters gathered at the White House. Just before the start of the speech, he takes off his mask and smiles. “First of all, I feel great. How are you guys? Anyway, the topic of today’s speech is ‘law and order’, if it should be lucky that he stayed on the balcony and made the “distance.” He focused on attacking Democrat Biden’s presidential candidate against races and classes other than white, the main base of support.

[도널드 트럼프/미국 대통령 (현지시간 지난 11일) : 모두에게 감사하고 싶습니다. 이 얼마나 아름다운 색입니까?
캔디스, 이 많은 색(인종)을 어디서 데려왔죠? 어디에서 왔습니까? 정말 아름답습니다. 이들 중 하나를 얻고 싶습니다. 흰색 셔츠 대신 하나 입어보고 싶네요. 매일 많은 흑인과 라틴계 미국인들이 좌파 정치인과 그들의 실패한 이데올로기를 떠나고 있습니다.]

In a poll conducted over four days starting on the 6th, the gap between President Trump and Democrat Biden has widened by 12 percentage points. President Trump, in a hurry, argues that “I have outgrown Corona 19” and “have developed immunity.” The Twitter side hides President Trump’s tweet that he has developed immunity, saying it is incorrect information.

Additionally, President Trump’s presidential election announcements feature the American version of Eun-kyung Chung and Anthony Pouch, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. He was a person who had a confrontation with President Trump.

[앤서니 파우치/미 국립 알레르기·전염병 연구소장 (현지시간 지난 11일) : 그 누구도 이보다 더 많은 일을 할 수 있을 거라 상상할 수 없습니다.]

What is this? I wonder if there has been a change of mind lately. Before this comment, there is a narration from a voice actress praising her accomplishments.

[트럼프 대통령 대선 광고 (현지시간 지난 11일) : 우리는 함께 도전에 응하기 위해 일어섰습니다. 노인들을 보호하고, 기록적일 만큼 빠른 시간 안에 약을 구하며, 비용을 아끼지 않습니다. 트럼프 대통령은 리더의 자세로 바이러스에 맞섰습니다.]

But let’s listen again. “I can’t imagine anyone could do more than this,” Pouch’s comments follow. There is no subject in this sentence. Who he is is not known. Director Pouch sent a statement to CNN and Fox News and strongly protested, saying, “The comment is a comment that has been cut out of context.” A few months ago, I was free to write comments praising the achievements of public health officials. However, Trump Camp said he plans to continue running the ad. Doesn’t that mean you’re going to get some of the so-called ‘spoons’ from Pouch, which was supported by the American people?

Today’s Blue House presentation will be summed up like this. < 오늘부터 전국 거리두기 1단계…마스크 쓰고 클럽·뷔페·학원 간다 > is.

(Display source: YouTube ‘Donald Trump’)
