[정치]North Korea’s 75th Anniversary Celebrates System Solidarity … Government “Hope Inter-Korean Cooperation Will Become Real Soon”



North Korea is concentrating on uniting the regime by continuing the atmosphere of celebrating the 75th anniversary of the founding of the party, such as watching a performance in a large group and taking pictures with people associated with Byung-Sik Yeol.

The government gave meaning to President Kim’s message of appeasement towards South Korea and expressed expectations for inter-Korean cooperation.

Reporter Hwang Hye-kyung reports.


President Kim Jong-un watched and filled the stadium with 150,000 spectators.

A beautiful card section was held for each scene and fireworks were added.

It is a “Great Hyangdo” art performance and a large group organized by North Korea to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the establishment of the party.

The large group that mobilized some 100,000 people was performed for foreign tourists during major holidays, such as Liberation Day, as an important means of earning foreign exchange in North Korea.

This year, the border was blocked due to the ‘Crown’ crisis, and this is the first time it has been on stage.

[조선중앙TV : (김정은 위원장은) 당에 대한 무한한 충실성을 지니고 당 창건 75돌을 대정치축전으로, 일심단결의 절대적 힘을 다시 한 번 만방에 과시하는 혁명적 계기로 빛낸 사랑하는 인민들에게 따뜻한 인사를 보내셨습니다.]

With an emphasis on solidarity and patriotism, this performance will run until the end of this month so that the general public can also see it.

President Kim also took commemorative photos with representatives to celebrate the 75th anniversary of the party’s founding, which is estimated to number in the thousands, and the participants of the byungsik row.

“Kim Jung-eun! Kim Jong-un!”

The media broadcast President Kim’s sympathy on a large scale and published the reaction of residents struggling with emotion.

The government heeded President Kim Jong-un’s message of appeasement towards South Korea and expressed hope that inter-Korean cooperation can be resumed as soon as possible.

[여상기 / 통일부 대변인 : 남쪽에서의 코로나 상황이 하루빨리 진정이 돼서 남과 북이 서로 손잡고 협력할 날이 빨리 오기를 기대합니다.]

However, being aware of the incident of the attack on our public officials, which has not yet been resolved, he drew a line that it is not at the stage of making concrete proposals to the North or promoting inter-Korean cooperation.

North Korea is also expected to dedicate its efforts to the 80-day battle for the time being and dedicate all efforts to prepare for the 8th Party Congress, which was announced early next year.

This is YTN Hwang Hye-kyung.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]