Even today, the second day of the audit, opposition parties are fighting fiercely over the execution of a public official in the West Sea and the exile of former North Korean ambassador Jo Sung-gil.
Although the ruling and opposition parties called for a review of government policy to strengthen the standard for large shareholders subject to capital gains tax from 1 billion won to 300 million won, the government maintained its position.
Congress Connection. Reporter Seung-bae Lee!
Do you think the ruling and opposition parties are fighting fiercely over the main theme of this national sentiment, the attack by our public officials and the exile of the North Korean ambassador?
[기자]The hottest battles took place in the National Assembly’s Agriculture, Forestry, Livestock, Food, Ocean and Fisheries Committee and in the Foreign Transportation Day Committee.
First, the agricultural and seawater level, where the victim’s officials are affiliated with the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, has a fierce battle over whether a Korean official who died in the North Korean attack fled Korea. North or not.
It was argued that the power of the people, although there is no basis to be sure that the victims voluntarily passed to North Korea, is in a hurry to put a salary framework on them. I was faced with the true intention to do so.
[이만희 / 국민의힘 의원 : 무엇이 두려워서 대통령조차도 관계 기관의 수사 상황을 지켜보자고 말씀하셨습니다. 그럼에도 불구하고 일부 의원님들, 특히 여당 의원님들을 중심으로 실종자에 월북 프레임이 덧씌워지고 있습니다.] [김영진 / 더불어민주당 의원 : 우리 어업지도원 사건과 관련해서 그렇게 여당과 대통령을 공격하는 것이 과연 유가족과 돌아가신 분의 뜻인지 저는 동의하기 어렵고요.]In response, Fisheries and Maritime Affairs Minister Moon Seong-hyuk said he would conduct a self-investigation into the duty of public officials who died after being attacked by the North Korean military and the malfunctioning of CCTVs in the fishing guide boat.
The defense committee also participated in fierce battles.
The Joint Chiefs of Staff Won-cheol Yoo said today at the National Office that the North Korean military has images and photographs of light observations believed to be scenes of shooting and cremation of our public officials.
He also confirmed that the word North Korea was included in the interception of the North Korean army.
However, he said that words such as the body and the remains were not intercepted, and that there were parts that could be understood as such, but no specific words were mentioned.
The Office of the Foreign Minister against the Ministry of Unification and the like has clashed over the exile of the former Italian ambassador to North Korea, Cho Sung-gil.
People’s power raised suspicions that the government intentionally leaked it, saying: “I don’t know why North Korea’s high-ranking executive asylum was revealed to the media at this time when the passport issuance was unfavorable.
[김기현 / 국민의힘 의원 : 물타기용이다 국면전환용이다 이런 논란이 생겼을 때 통일부가 그 부분을 명확하게 설명하지 않고 계속 유야무야 하니 의혹은 더욱 증폭될 수밖에 없는 것이고 의혹이 진실이라는 확신이 자꾸 커질 수밖에 없는 겁니다.]Also, the opposition party’s claim that the Democratic Party has political intentions is really absurd, but it urged us to refrain from speaking which only creates confusion.
[전해철 / 더불어민주당 의원 : 이미 언론사에서 상세하게 여러 보도 경위가 나오고 있는데 그 과정에서 국가 기관이 관여하거나 또는 의도를 갖고 했다는 주장을 여전히 하는 것은 저는 정말 까닭없는 혼란을 만드는 거다 (생각합니다.)] [앵커]At the top of the list, the government and opposition parties clashed with the government’s policy of lowering the standard for large shareholders subject to capital gains tax from 1 billion won to 300 million won.
[기자]First, the leader of the Democratic Party, Kim Tae-nyeon, made a statement before entering the national government.
He said the issue of lowering the tax standard of large shareholders from 1 billion won to 300 million won should be reviewed.
In particular, given that the transfer tax will be introduced in full to all equity investors after two years, he argued that the question of the requirements of large shareholders should be reviewed according to the new circumstances.
[김태년 / 더불어민주당 원내대표 : 정책은 물론 일관성이 있어야 하지만, 상황 변화와 현장 수용성도 못지 않게 중요합니다. 민주당은 정책 결정에서 소위 ‘동학개미’라고 일컫는 개인투자자들의 의견에 귀 기울이겠습니다.]The Director General of the Ministry of Strategy and Finance followed up on subsequent investigations.
Employers in the Democratic Party said that if the standard is lowered from 1 billion won to 300 million won, the number of targets will increase from 10,000 to 90,000.
At the same time, he insisted that tax equity is important, but that they must also consider the impact on the market by selling shares.
The opposition party also made itself heard.
Popular Force representative Gyeong-ho Choo said that the issue of the transfer tax of major shareholders is a problem in the end, but if the opposition parties agree, it will be possible to maintain the 1 billion won standard. for the main shareholders.
Earlier, Representative Seong-geol Ryu, the People’s Power, proposed the ‘Donghak Ant Protection Law’ yesterday, which maintains the same standard for large shareholders at 1 billion won and excludes family members.
However, Vice Premier Hong Nam-ki made it clear once again that there is no plan to change the plan to strengthen the requirements for large shareholders.
Already in February 2018, the National Assembly approved the law and decided to implement it as of April next year, but it is not easy for the government to return the established policy again.
[홍남기 / 경제부총리 겸 기획재정부 장관 : (2년 전에 법을 바꿔서) 시행령에 3억 원으로 이미 반영이 돼서 예고돼 온 것을 다시 거꾸로 간다는 것이 제가 볼 때는 정책 일관성 측면에서도 그렇고 자산소득에 대한 과세 형평을 고려하면 쉽지 않은 결정이라고 생각하고요.]However, Vice Premier Hong said that he is considering the direction of complementing existing generations by changing them individually.
YTN Lee Seung-bae in the National Assembly so far[[email protected]]is.