[국제]In terms of words, cooperation with ‘sticky’, are’tuk ‘exchanges …



Amid the conflict between the United States and China, North Korea is certainly on the side of China, but high-level trade and traffic between North Korea and China has all but ceased.

Correspondent Kang Seong-woong in Beijing reports on the change in relationship between North Korea and China due to Corona 19.


In June last year, President Xi Jinping visited North Korea after 14 years as China’s top leader.

President Xi showed that relations had returned to normal and said that he would help North Korea’s security and economy at that time.

[루캉 / 중국 외교부 대변인 (지난해 6월 21일) : 시진핑 주석은 북중이 고위층을 포함해 긴밀한 교류를 유지하고 전략적 소통을 강화하며 실무적 협력도 강화해야 한다고 강조했습니다.]

Since then, North Korea has blatantly sided with China amid the conflict between the United States and China.

They accused the United States of not interfering with Hong Kong’s security laws and human rights issues in Xinjiang.

[북한 외무성 대변인 담화 발표 / 조선중앙TV (지난 5월 30일) : 우리는 홍콩의 안정과 사회경제 발전에 저해를 주는 외부의 간섭 행위를 견결히 배격한다.]

However, due to Corona 19, physical and personal exchanges between North Korea and China have practically ceased.

Since the January border blockade, North Korea has rarely allowed imports except for essential supplies.

For this reason, exports in the first half of this year fell by 72% and imports by 66% compared to the previous year.

Even high-level traffic has not occurred for more than half a year.

The recent reopening of the ‘Anti-American Aid Memorial Hall’ held in Dandong, on the border between North Korea and China, was organized by the local government.

[장샤오잉 / 항미원조기념관 부관장 (지난 19일) : 기념관 면적이 3만 제곱미터로 늘어났고 항미원조 전쟁을 잘 이해할 수 있도록 했습니다.]

Although this year is the 70th anniversary of China’s participation in the Korean War, the so-called anti-American aid, there are no signs of a high-level visit.

In the special circumstances of the conflict between the United States and China, the sanctions against North Korea and Corona 19, the relationship between North Korea and China cooperates in words, but the exchanges remain paralyzed.

YTN Sungwoong Kang in Beijing[[email protected]]is.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]