Entry 2020.09.29 17:22 | Revision 2020.09.29 18:01
The judge said: “The suspension of the ban on the gathering has a significant impact on the public welfare of preventing the risk of infection by making it impossible to reasonably control the risk of spreading the infectious disease Corona 19. This is a direct and obvious answer. “Suspension of the provision is not allowed because it constitutes a threat.”
△ The fact that the number of participants in the assembly reaches 1,000 △ The organizer, who is only around 40, lacks reasonable control of the participants in the assembly △ The organizer has never made a list of participants in the assembly previous △ The police The reason for the dismissal was that it does not violate freedom of assembly by prohibiting all collective meetings.
Earlier, on the 3rd of the month following the opening day, the non-captain on August 15 informed the police that a 1,000-person assembly would be held near the Sejong Center in Gwanghwamun, Seoul. However, the police issued a ban notice of the assembly for reasons such as preventing the spread of the coronavirus infection.
Consequently, the non-capital part of August 15 filed an administrative complaint and a request for stay of execution before the court, saying that the police notification of the 25th was “not a permission to meet to protect the lives of the people, but to protect the government. “
Apart from the court’s decision to dismiss, the 8/15 non-captain is scheduled to hold a Gwanghwamun assembly on Gaecheon day.
Secretary General Choi said, “I have not decided how to proceed, but I will definitely hold the Gaicheon Day meeting.”