[정치]The ruler and the opposition parties are belatedly in the ‘Jo Doo-soon Method’ …


Cho Doo-soon released after 85 days … Scheduled to return to Danwon-gu, Ansan
Ruling and opposition politicians initiate ‘Cho Doo-soon Act’ before release
Most initiatives are retroactively opaque … Cho Doo-soon does not apply


Cho Doo-soon, who was sentenced to 12 years in prison for cruelly raping a child, is about to be released.

The ruling and opposition politicians belatedly initiated the “Cho Doo-soon Law” initiative.

A bill is proposed to prevent access to the victims’ families, but it is not known if it can be applied to Cho Doo-soon.

Reporter Choi Min-ki reports.


On the 85th day, in the next 12 weeks or so, Cho Doo soon finishes all the sentences and reaches the society.

When he is released on December 13, Jo Doo-soon lived before the crime and is expected to return to Danwon-gu, Ansan-si, Gyeonggi-do, where he still lives.

Ansan City, which had an immediate emergency, even called a countermeasures meeting.

[윤화섭 / 안산시장 (어제) : 조두순과 같은 흉악범들을 어떻게 조금이라도 신체적 압박을 줄 수 있는 법률이 한 건도 없다고 합니다.]

The ruling and opposition politicians belatedly initiated the so-called ‘Cho Doo-soon Law’ when the release of Cho Doo-soon came to the fore.

Chung Chun-sook of the Democratic Party, who is the chairman of the Gender and Family Committee of the National Assembly, introduced a law on the protection of children and young people that included content to which perpetrators restricted access within 100m of the residence or school of the victim, and expanded it to a radius of 1 km.

The representative of the People’s Power, Kim Byung-wook, proposed a protection and expropriation bill that requires administration and supervision in shelters isolated from society even after liberation.

However, these measures are not likely to be applied retroactively.

This is because the provisions of the law are obeyed at the time Cho Doo-soon committed the crime.

So what came out was the strengthening of the law on users of electronic anklets.

A revised bill was also presented to the National Assembly to limit the range of motion of the wearer of the electronic ankle brace to less than 200 meters inside the residence.

This is because the rule of electronic anklets applies as the invoice at the time the prosecutor requested it from the court, so it is possible after release.

[고영인 / 더불어민주당 의원 (어제) : 현재 법에서 이걸 완전히 격리시키기가 어렵다면 현행법을 최대한 개정해서라도 행동반경을 제약해야 된다.]

There are less than three months until the release of Cho Doo-soon.

Although many politicians are preparing bills, it is not easy to apply them retroactively due to the controversy over unconstitutionality.

The focus is on whether the second law can prevent Doo-soon Cho, or if it can reduce the anxiety of victims by examining detailed regulations.

YTN Choi Min-ki[[email protected]]it is.
