When I heard the public opinion about the resignation of Minister Choo Mi-ae, ‘Suspicion of preferential son’


Many of those who responded to the media and non-partisan resignation agreement
Men 53.9% agree … 女 44.1% vs 47.5% tension

While public opinion on the resignation of Minister of Justice Chu Mi-ae is highly divided, the response that agrees with the resignation claim was predominant within the margin of error.

According to the results of an investigation by Real Meter, a public opinion polling agency, at the request of ‘OmyNews’, that the son’s sick leave during his military service was ‘corruption of the type of power’, the 49, 0% of those surveyed said they had to resign from the ministerial position. (41.8% strongly agree, 7.2% agree to some extent), 45.8% (36.3% disagree at all, 9.5% disagree at all) who do not need to resign for a unfounded political attack. ‘I don’t know’ was 5.2%.

By region, respondents who agreed with Minister Chu’s resignation were Daegu and Gyeongbuk (63.3% consent versus 30.3% disagree), Busan, Ulsan, Gyeongnam (61.5% versus 37, 4%), Seoul (54.8% vs. 38.9%), Daejeon, Sejong, and Chungcheong. (54.1% vs 41.6%) took the majority. In Gwangju and Jeolla (30.1% versus 63.2%) and Gyeonggi and Incheon (39.6% versus 55.1%), the disagreement was the majority.

By age group, 20-year-old students (56.8% vs. 36.8%), 60-year-olds (67.3% vs. 28.0%), and 70-year-olds or older (54, 3 vs. 40.5%) had high consent responses, while 40-year-olds (31.6% vs. 65.5%). In their 50s (43.2% vs. 50.4%), the majority of respondents do not agree. In her 30s (46.8% vs. 47.3%), the response to the resignation was overwhelming. By sex, 53.9% of the men agreed to resign, but 44.1% of the women agreed and 47.5% of the disagreeable, disagreement was predominant within the margin of error. Due to ideological orientation, conservatives (73.5% vs 24.8%) responded overwhelmingly with resignation, while progressives (22.2% vs 72.1%) responded with disagreement, showing a significant difference. The majority of respondents said they should give up the moderate trend (58.9% vs 37.3%). By party of support, 89.5% of supporters of the people’s power agreed with the resignation, while 83.1% of supporters of the Democratic Party said they disagreed. Most of the shamans (49.1% vs 21.9%) agreed to resign, but 29.1% answered ‘I don’t know’.

On the 15th, 15th, 8,534 voters over the age of 18 were contacted and a total of 500 responded (response rate 5.9%). The sampling error is ± 4.4% at the 95% confidence level. For a summary and detailed survey results, see the Real Meter home page or the Central Election Poll Deliberation Committee home page.


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