Entry 2020.09.15 15:47 | Revision 2020.09.15 15:50
These figures are the highest since quarantine authorities released related statistics since April. During the investigation of the route of infection, the proportion of patients increased from 6.5% on the 1st of last month to 13.2% on the 15th and then to 21.5% on the 30th of last month. Subsequently, it was 25% in the aggregate that day, increasing by more than 10 percentage points in one month.
Quarantine authorities believe that the number of infected people hidden in the region began to rise from the end of July, and cases of unclear route of infection increased as they exploded after meeting with high-risk groups in mid-August.
It is difficult to reduce tension because if the number of patients whose route of infection is unclear increases, the corona can spread again. The reason why the number of confirmed cases per corona, which is on a decreasing trend in September, does not decrease drastically, is also related to some.
In the end, it is the distance. Quarantine authorities stressed that breaking the cycle of corona infection in the absence of proper vaccines and treatments is only to reduce human contact as much as possible.
Joon-wook Kwon, deputy director of the National Institute of Health, said: “Every time you relax your distance, remember the nightmare when the corona19 virus epidemic hits your head again.” Said.