‘Abe’s second prime minister’ Suga, Japan’s next prime minister is safe
Korea-Japan relations ‘Strong Kyung’ … “Problem of compulsory military service, violation of Korean international law”
‘Ruling of the Supreme Court and respect for the victims’ great difference from our position
It is true that Japan’s Secretary of State Suga, who was second in the Abe regime, will be elected prime minister this week.
Given that Suga is in a position to succeed Abe’s policy, the relationship between Korea and Japan is unlikely to change significantly, but there are voices that the change of prime minister should make efforts to improve relations.
This is reporter Dowon Kim.
[기자]The election of the governor of the Liberal Democratic Party to determine the new prime minister of Japan will surely be chosen by Secretary Suga.
Secretary of State Suga, who is Abe’s secretary and spokesperson, is in a position where he will faithfully continue the line of the Abe regime.
[스가 요시히데 / 일본 관방장관(지난 8일) : 아베 총리가 진행해 온 정책을 확실히 계승하고 더욱 진전시키도록 하겠습니다.]Like Abe, he is in a strong position in relations between Korea and Japan.
The issue of conscription was solved by the Claims Agreement in 1965, and Korea’s compensation ruling is a violation of international law, so it is policy to respond comprehensively.
It is difficult to find a point of contact with the position of the Korean government, which is based on respect for the Supreme Court ruling and the consent of the victims.
Therefore, the pessimistic view prevails that even if the Japanese prime minister is replaced, it will be difficult to improve the cold relationship between Japan and Korea.
However, it is a burden for us to continue to cool the relationship between Korea and Japan amid turbulent situations in Northeast Asia due to the conflict between the United States and China and the North Korean nuclear issue.
It is noted that if you actively seek solutions, you can use the inauguration of the new prime minister of Japan as a driving force to improve relations.
[이원덕 / 국민대 교수 : 징용 문제를 우리가 조금 전향적으로 풀어갈 방향이라면 수출규제 문제도 풀릴 수 있다고 보거든요. / 어쨌든 외교 협상을 통해서 해야지 다른 방법이 없잖아요.]However, both Korea and Japan are in a state of deterioration of national public opinion, so the margin of luck is limited for the government to present a proposal that may appear to be a concession.
The Korea-China-Japan summit, which is Korea’s turn, is considered another opportunity to normalize relations, but it is unknown if it will take place within this year due to the Corona 19 variable.
I am YTN Kim Do-won.