Authorities “determine whether to extend 2.5 steps after seeing the trend for a day or two”



Today (11), the number of new confirmed cases of corona19 is 176. It has been around 100 for 9 days in a row, but it is slowly increasing to the mid to late hundreds. The government is fighting to re-extend the 2.5-step distance to the metropolitan area, which ends this weekend. Amid this, sporadic group infections continued across the country, and the cumulative number of confirmed cases at Severance Hospital in Seodaemun-gu, Seoul rose to 23. Related news Hye-won Shin’s boss organized.


It is clear that the rapid spread is over, but it rarely slows down. As sporadic infections continued across the country, the number of new confirmed cases reached 100 on the ninth day.

176 people, more than yesterday. With the lowest point on day 7, it rises to the early, mid and late 100s. There is concern about whether 200 people will be needed again. The government is deeply concerned about whether to finish the 2.5-stage distance in the metropolitan area on the 13th as scheduled or whether to wear more women’s clothing.

[정세균/국무총리 : 주말을 목전에 두고 있어 더욱 고민이 큰 상황입니다. 희생을 감내해주고 계신 수많은 국민들을 생각하면 하루속히 제한을 풀어야 하겠지만 성급한 완화 조치가 재확산으로 이어져 더 큰 고통을 당하지는 않을까 걱정도 됩니다. 하루, 이틀 상황을 좀 더 보면서 결정하겠습니다.]

By region, there are 61 in Seoul and 47 in Gyeonggi, and 116 in the metropolitan area alone. Looking only at the metropolitan area, it’s three digits again. In other regions, 14 people came out in Chungnam, 10 people in Daejeon and 7 people in Gwangju, and the total number of deaths increased by four. By main case, group infection in large hospitals with many high-risk older people is not unusual.

A total of 23 people have been confirmed at Severance Hospital in Shinchon, Seodaemun-gu, Seoul. On day 9, a member of the feeding team of the nutrition team was confirmed for the first time, and the same team staff, nursing assistants, patients and caregivers were extended. Today, 4 people have been added, including a guardian and a hospital environmental cleaner. It has been confirmed that some of the confirmed cases came into operation while suspicious symptoms appeared.

[박유미/서울시 시민건강국장 (화면출처: 유튜브 ‘서울시·Seoul’) : 영양팀 확진자가 재활병원의 배식을 하였습니다. 그리고 확진자 중 일부는 발열, 인후통 등 증상이 있음에도 불구하고 출근을 한 것으로 확인되었습니다. 심층 역학조사, 입원 환자 치료 계획, 원내 재배치, 퇴원환자 기준 제시 등 진행 상황을 논의하고 집중적으로 대응하도록 하겠습니다.]

First, the hospital said the mask and gloves were carefully stored during food service. Therefore, it seems more likely that the conversation spread while removing the mask in a narrow space, such as a dressing room or lounge. Furthermore, there were no additional infections by patients or medical personnel in the general wards, in addition to the rehabilitation wards. As seen in the previous case, in the case of rehabilitation hospitals and intensive care units, there were quite a few cases where close contact was established in the process of caring for patients who could not adequately control the body.

At the service nursing home in Geumsan, Chungnam, the first confirmed person left on the 9th. As a result of a comprehensive survey of 46 employees and residents, a total of 9 were confirmed regardless of employees and residents. It’s only been two days. However, the first symptoms in the nursing home are said to have started about a week ago. This morning, sadly, a resident in his 70s died a day after being confirmed.

[정은경/신임 질병관리청장 : 삼가 고인의 명복을 빌고 유족께는 심심한 위로의 말씀을 드립니다. 요양기관 및 의료기관에서는 주기적인 소독과 환기, 입·출입자에 대한 철저한 통제, 조금이라도 증상이 있을 경우에는 업무를 배제하고 신속하게 검사를 받아주시기를 요청을 드립니다.]

Could anyone have noticed? The title subtitle of the Director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Jung Eun-kyung, who left a while ago, has been changed to the new Director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Tomorrow the “Office of Disease Management” will be launched, which has been promoted to an independent central administrative agency, as well as an infectious disease response agency. The new Commissioner Chung received an appointment letter from President Moon Jae-in a day earlier. The background for the presentation ceremony is not the Blue House, but the Jilbon Emergency Situation Center in Cheongju, Chungbuk.

[임세은/청와대 부대변인 : 지금 대한민국 대통령님께서 입장하십니다. 내일 자로 청으로 승격되는 것을 축하해 주시고자, 직접 근무지에 내려오셔서 임명장을 드리는 것은 처음 있는 일이고…] [신임 질병관리청장 임명장 수여식 : 세계에서 모범으로 인정받은 우리 K-방역의 영웅, 정은경 본부장님이 승격되는 질병관리청의 초대 청장으로 임명되신 것에 대해서도 축하 말씀을 드립니다.]

It is the first time in the current government that it carries out an act of presentation in the workplace or that it delivers it before the official date of issue. In a situation comparable to the crown exposure, it appears that the commander, Chief Chung, has come to the site in person to avoid the hassle of going to the Blue House and cheering on KCDC staff. It is also unusual for the Commissioner to deliver a letter of appointment directly to the Vice Minister and the Vice Ministers. New Commissioner Chung’s shoulders are heavier.

[정은경/신임 질병관리청장 : 온 힘을 다해서 코로나19의 극복과 또 감염병 컨트롤타워로서의 역할을 충실히 이행할 수 있도록 최선의 노력을 다하도록 하겠습니다. 많은 그런 기대와 믿음을 저희는 항상, 항상 잊지 말고 국민의 건강과 사회 안전을 지키는 건강 지킴이로서의 질병관리청이 거듭날 수 있도록, 그런 다짐의 말씀을 드리겠습니다. 감사합니다.]

Among them, there is a person who argues that “the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (Office of Disease Management) should turn to ㅇㅇ, a man who will ease the crown.”

[허경영/국가혁명당 대표 (지난달 1일 / 화면출처: 유튜브 ‘허경영강연짤’) : 그러면 병원에 오래 입원해 있어야 되고 오래 있으면 낫긴 나아요. 근데 빨리 나으려면은 내가 필요하지. (코로나를) 허경영은 어떻게 고치는가? 뭐 고치긴 뭘 고쳐. 그냥 축복 줘버리는 거예요. ‘고쳤다’ 그러면 의료법에 걸리잖아. 그냥 나는 축복을 줘버려. 맞아, 안 맞아요? (맞아요.) 축복으로 코로나 고칠 수 있죠? (네!) 그러면 코로나 있는 사람들은 나한테 찾아오고, 질병관리본부도 나한테 찾아와야 돼. 과학자들만 병을 고치나? (아니요!) 나는 병을 고치는 사람이 아니라, 에너지만 주면 돼. 그죠?]

He is the director general of the National Revolutionary Party. It is a video posted on the YouTube channel. Representative Heo is currently in Yangju, Gyeonggi-do, “Is there anyone who will sit here in 100 years? I only have one. I will be teaching here. Here at Heaven Palace.” I live in a place called Heavenly Palace. By the way, it was confirmed that a man in his 60s, which was confirmed yesterday, visited the sky palace on the 5th and stayed about 7 hours. It is said that on the 5th of the weekend, a crowd of hundreds of people went to the Sky Palace. At that time, it is said that the police and the staff of the public health center were conducting quarantine prevention activities, but I hope that another case of group infection does not occur.

Today’s Blue House presentation is organized like this. < 신규 확진 176명으로 증가… 정부, 거리두기 2.5단계 재연장 '고심' > it is.

(Screen source: YouTube lecture image ‘Heo Kyung-young)
