The Future Integration Party, which surpassed the Democratic Party’s approval rating for the first time since the second week of the Gukjeong Nongdan incident in August, returned 30% of its support without fail due to the spread of the coronavirus after the rally of Gwanghwamun.
Even if it is said that he is no longer related to far-right forces like Pastor Kwang-Hoon Jeon, why doesn’t the approval rating gain traction even after showing changes with successive ‘left-click’ actions?
Yeom Hye-won pointed out.
[기자]The first message from the Future Integration Party after the Liberation Day demonstration was to take public sentiment seriously.
As for the quarantine, it was mentioned that it was wrong, but it seemed that it gave more weight to criticism of the regime.
[주호영 / 미래통합당 원내대표 (지난 18일) : 오히려 그 어려운 상황에서도 그 많은 인원들이 나왔다는 것에 대해서 방역과 다른 차원에서 정치적으로는 청와대와 민주당이 정말 엄중하게 받아들여야 한다고 봅니다.]At the same time, it was not organized by the Unification Party or encouraged to attend, but the ruling party protested that it was trying to partner with Pastor Kwang-Hoon Jeon, who organized the rally.
However, former Representative Min Kyung-wook, who is the organizer of another rally held in Gwanghwamun, and former Congressman Kim Jin-tae, who are on the podium, are the two sitting party council chairs.
That is why the protests of the Unified Party leadership are not convincing.
For this reason, criticism was also poured out on the party.
[이준석 / 미래통합당 전 최고위원 (지난 24일, KBS 김경래의 최강시사) : 주호영 의원이 언급한 것, 메시지는 새겨 들어야 된다, 이게 틀린 말은 아니지만 그래도 부적절한 메시지였다는 것에 동의합니다. 그리고 좀 더 강하게 단절해야 된다는 이야기를 하고 싶고.]It is also attributable to the inability to erase the shadow of Pastor Kwang-Hoon Jeon, who moved as one body from last year to the 21st general election.
[황교안 / 자유한국당 대표(지난해 11월) : 한국당과 함께 목숨을 걸고 막아내자고 이 자리에 나왔습니다. 여러분!]The Unified Party’s ‘left click’ movement, which tried to show the change due to the headwind of the Gwanghwamun assembly, also faded.
The head of the Emergency Response Committee, Kim Jong-in, visited the May 18 Democratic Cemetery in Gwangju and knelt down.
In response to the successive theory of responsibility, the leadership of the Unification Party repeatedly revealed a complete break with the Taegeukgi unit.
[김종인 / 미래통합당 비상대책위원장 (지난 26일) : 코로나 사태 발발하고서 쓸 데 없는 소리하는 쪽의 이야기에 우리는 귀를 기울이지 않아요.]With all the actions surrounding the Unified Party functioning as a double-edged sword, attention is being paid to what kind of decision, non-captain Kim Jong-in, will be able to overcome another crisis.
YTN Yeom Hye-won[[email protected]]it is.