[사회]500 people for four consecutive days …


“Concerns about the fourth epidemic warning” … Risk factors for Easter and reconstitution 4 · 7
“If you have any symptoms, quickly diagnose …


As the spread of Corona 19 continued in Korea, the number of new confirmed cases reached 500 for four consecutive days.

The government repeatedly demanded compliance with quarantine rules, saying it was at a crossroads whether it would go to herd immunization through vaccination or make the 4th epidemic a reality.

Reporter Shin Yoon-jung reports.


The number of new confirmed cases in Korea registered another 500 as the weather cleared and the amount of movement and contact increased.

It went up and down from 300 to 400 people, but has recently held 500 people a day.

It is the first time in three months since January, after the third epidemic, 500 people have been registered for four consecutive days.

By region, the proportion of patients in non-metropolitan areas such as Busan and Gyeongnam, after the metropolitan area, is approaching 40% and the spread is spreading across the country.

[백순영 / 가톨릭대 의대 명예교수 : 수도권에서 300명은 그대로 유지가 되고 있는데 비수도권에 있어서 점점 늘어서 200명이 넘어가고 있거든요. 지금 상황으로 보면 이게 언제 집단 발생이 대규모로 일어나서 800~1,000명 이렇게 한꺼번에 튈지…]

In the case of major infections, confirmed cases are followed, mainly in entertainment establishments and stalls.

Also, as it is spreading throughout everyday life such as gyms, daycare centers and schools, there is growing concern that it is predicting the fourth epidemic.

In particular, there are many crowded schedules like Easter and the 4/7 re-election, raising concerns about further spread.

The government repeatedly asked to comply with quarantine regulations, saying that if the fourth outbreak occurs, the lack of medical personnel will also make vaccination difficult.

[권덕철 / 중앙재난안전대책본부 1차장 : 모든 일상 공간에서 저변을 넓히며 4차 유행을 예고하고 있는 게 아닌가 싶습니다. 지금 우리는 순조로운 백신 접종을 통한 집단 면역으로 가느냐 4차 유행이 현실화되느냐는 기로에 서 있습니다.]

In particular, he stressed that it is important to get a diagnostic test as soon as possible if you have any symptoms.

Along with this, the government directed local governments and related ministries to handle strict quarantine management for religious facilities and department stores where crowds are packed, tourist spots in spring, and polling places for rehabilitation lines. 4 and 7.

YTN Shin Yoon-jung[[email protected]]is.

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