[사회]Share the damage beyond the ‘group gathering’ quarantine … “Social agreement is important”



In keeping with the protracted COVID-19 outbreak, discussions about reorganizing the social distancing system are in full swing.

There has been criticism that the current distancing device has been designed around multipurpose facilities, and that it has been conducting quarantine quarantine, with most suffering damage from a few failures.

In particular, they pointed out that in the process they stopped sharing damages or guaranteeing basic rights to the vulnerable, and that a social consensus is needed in the future.

This is Hyungwon Lee, reporter.


The government has reorganized the social distancing it has introduced to prevent the spread of Corona 19.

It was subdivided into five stages in November after the third stage of systematization in June of last year.

[손영래 / 중앙사고수습본부 사회전략반장 : 개인 간 접촉이 우세했던 이번 3차 유행 겪으면서 다중 이용시설 중심으로 설계된 현행 거리 두기 체계의 한계도 함께 드러났습니다. 현재의 거리 두기 체계를 다시 재편하고자 합니다.]

In the debate that discussed the direction of the third reorganization, experts pointed out that the quarantine should be done on a scientific basis, rather than letting the facility shut down.

In fact, the indoor sports facilities, restaurants, cafes and entertainment facilities regulated by current distance are quite small.

[김 윤 / 서울대 의대 의료관리학 교수 : 소수의 시설이 방역 지침을 지키지 않아 거기에서 집단감염이 발생했는데, (방역 수칙 잘 지키는) 다수의 선량한 시설이 문을 닫게 만드는 방식은 단체 기합이라고 밖에…. 국민 희생도 화수분이 아닙니다.]

There has also been criticism that it has focused on reducing the number of confirmed cases and has cut itself off from the vulnerable who are affected in the process.

As the welfare facilities were closed due to upgrading, even the basic rights of socially disadvantaged people, such as the elderly and the disabled, were threatened.

[구인회 / 서울대 사회복지학과 교수 : 노숙인 쪽방에 집합금지 조치가 취해지면서 이분들은 기아 상태로 떨어져요. 집단감염은 발생하지 않지만, 배고픔에 시달리는….]

He stressed that to prepare for the prolonged outbreak of COVID-19, a new quarantine system must be established taking into account such social and economic costs.

It is time to think about the problem of sharing so that the damage is not concentrated in a specific class.

[권순만 / 서울대 보건대학원 교수 : 자영업자나 소상공인에게 미치는 막대한 영향을 외면하고 사회적 거리 두기 비용을 과소평가했던 거죠. (앞으로) 의사 결정에 (국민) 참여와 공론화를 하지 않으면 방역 정책은 실패한다고 생각합니다.]

The 2nd debate is scheduled for the 9th, in which the self-employed and small businessmen will participate, greatly affected by the distance.

YTN Hyungwon Lee[[email protected]]it is.

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