[정치]Seok-yeol Yoon, President Wen …



President Moon Jae-in embraced Attorney General Yoon Seok-yeol at a New Years conference, ending last year’s extreme conflict between Justice and Prosecution.

However, there are different interpretations of President Moon’s internal intentions with President Yoon, who laughed and who cried.

This is reporter Lee Jung-mi.

[기자] [문재인 대통령 (지난 18일, 신년회견) : 저의 평가를 한마디로 말씀드리면 그냥 문재인 정부의 검찰총장이다, 그렇게 말씀드리고 싶습니다.]

With this word, President Moon Jae-in closed the conflict that had lasted a year.

He also expressed some kind of confidence, saying that he does not think Yoon is serving as attorney general with politics in mind.

Yoon’s comments from the past when he heard the crafty saying where did you hear it?

[윤석열 / 검찰총장(지난해 10월 22일) : (대통령께서) 적절한 메신저를 통해서 흔들리지 말고 임기를 지키면서 소임을 다하라고 말씀을 전해주셨습니다.]

No matter where the source was, it is now a default atmosphere.

However, there are different interpretations of the presidential heart.

It means that the ruling party must end the conflict with the Ministry of Justice and strive to reform the prosecution service.

[이낙연 / 더불어민주당 대표(지난 19일) : 윤석열 총장의 자세에 대한 주문이 아닌가 저는 그렇게 받아들이고 있습니다.]

The opposition party is a ruling party from the beginning, and public opinion is onerous to remove, so it is not that they inevitably embraced it

[성일종 / 국민의힘 비상대책위원(지난 19일, YTN 뉴스특보) : 아 저게(윤석열 총장 수사가) 정의롭구나, 하고 국민이 박수를 친 거거든요. 그분에 대해서 이제는 내사람이라고 얘기하셨는데 저는 굉장히 정치적인 수사라고 보고 있습니다.]

What was clear from the disparate interpretation was that even if Yoon thought about politics in his own life, he had the burden of moving forward in politics.

The day after the New Year’s conference, Roh Young-min, former head of the Blue House, also made a breach.

[노영민 / 전 청와대 비서실장 (지난 19일, CBS ‘김현정의 뉴스쇼’) : (총장직 그만두고도 정치 안 할 거라 예상하십니까?) 네, 저는 그렇게 보고 있습니다.]

President Yoon’s approval rating, which increased the more he hit him, is also increasing.

Research shows that it has fallen to the lowest level in history.

Instead, it was President Moon Jae-in’s approval rating that rebounded.

In a three-day poll, including the day of the New Year’s press conference, President Moon’s approval rating skyrocketed.

Furthermore, the ruling party’s approval rating has surpassed the opposition party by two months.

[배철호 / 리얼미터 수석전문위원 : 발언 하나하나의 영향은 알 수는 없지만 대통령의 신년 기자회견이 전반적으로 지지율 상승에 영향을 준 것은 분명해 보입니다.]

President Moon’s embrace of President Moon’s shame to the pro-moon congressman who had attacked Yun Suk-yeol and even the pro-moon supporters appears to have become a turning point in the approval rating of the ruling party of the government, which has continued to decline.

YTN Jeongmi Lee[[email protected]]is.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]