Lee Jae-myeong “If the grandfathering cartel is not reformed, the democratic government with an approval rating of 87% will also collapse.”


“The candlelight is an order to tear down all the walls of unjust political power and strong vested interests in our society.”

“The reform of the prosecution, the judicial reform, the chaebol, the media, finance, the reform of the bureaucratic power must proceed without delay”

Gyeonggi Gyeonggi Governor Lee Jae-myeong stressed the reform of the vested interest structure, including the prosecution.

Governor Lee said in a Facebook post on the same day titled “If the grandfathering cartel is not reformed, the democratic government with an 87% approval rating will also collapse.”

Governor Lee emphasized the need for reform, taking as an example a documentary that describes how Brazil’s chaebol, prosecutors, judiciary, and media destroyed democracy and established far-right regimes.

Governor Lee said, “It’s a bit overwhelming to talk about someone else’s country,” he said. “I watched the Netflix documentary ‘Crisis Democracy-From Lula to Impeachment’ with the recommendation of many.”

He noted that “it took a long time to topple President Lula, who had an 87% retirement approval rate, and President Josef, who succeeded him, after two presidential terms,” ​​he said. .

“As you know, President Lula is a worker-born president who has elevated Brazil to the seventh largest economy,” he said. “Why is spending money on people a waste?”

Governor Lee added: “Unless the deep-seated vested interest structure is reformed, the government, which has great support from the people, will fall so easily.”

He said: “Some criticize the Moon Jae-in administration’s immersion in the redemption arrangement and prosecution reform, but the reform of citizens’ lives and the structure of vested interests are not separate. Reforming the cartel of vested interests is the livelihood of the people, and left alone any reform of the people’s livelihood can easily become a waste. “

Governor Lee said: “The candle was not lit just for Park Geun-hye’s impeachment. It was an order to tear down all walls of unjust political power and strong vested interests in our society. It is the reason to proceed without delay. in the reform of the prosecution and judicial reform, as well as the chaebol, media, financial and bureaucratic powers. ”/ Reporter Yoon Jong-yeol [email protected]

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