657 new coronaviruses confirmed, 600 in 23 days … 20 deaths


On the afternoon of day 2, medical staff are collecting corona 19 samples from citizens at a temporary screening test center for novel coronavirus (Corona 19) infection in Jung-gu, located at Station Square in Seoul  Yunhap news

On the afternoon of day 2, medical staff are collecting corona 19 samples from citizens at a temporary screening test center for novel coronavirus (Corona 19) infection in Jung-gu, located at Station Square in Seoul Yunhap news

There were 657 new patients with infection with the new coronavirus (Corona 19). It is only 23 days since December 11 (689) last year that the amount of corona 19 confirmed daily was recorded in the range of 600.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (Bang Dae-bon) announced that the number of new corona19 patients increased by 657 as of 0 o’clock on day 3, which which resulted in a total cumulative number of 63,244 Among the new patients, 641 cases occurred in Korea and 16 cases were introduced overseas. The daily confirmed cases in the last week were 808 (28 days) → 1046 (29 days) → 1050 (30 days) → 967 (31 days) → 1029 (January 1) → 824 (2 days) → Repeats up and down to 657 (3 days).

The decrease in confirmed cases of corona 19 appears to be the effect of a decrease in the number of tests due to the New Year holidays (1st). At 12:00 AM on day 3, the number of tests per day is 38,040 general tests and 36,232 anonymous tests at screening clinics, compared to 54,383 at 12:00 AM on the last day and 46,638 anonymous tests in total. Diminished.

The number of domestic outbreaks was 195 in Seoul, 201 in Gyeonggi and 48 in Incheon, 444 in the metropolitan area alone. Other regions are Busan 19, Daegu 21, Gwangju 26, Daejeon 8, Ulsan 7, Sejong 1, Gangwon 33, Chungbuk 26, Jeonbuk 5, Jeonnam 12, Gyeongbuk 14, Gyeongnam 12, Jeju 4 people.

The entries of foreigners occurred in 8 people during the quarantine stage and 8 people in the local community. The countries of entry were Indonesia 3, Russia 1, Pakistan 1, Poland 2, Hungary 1, Sweden 1, USA 3 and Mexico 4.

Meanwhile, the number of deaths related to Corona 19 has not decreased. Corona 19’s death toll was 20 and the cumulative death toll was 962. About 20 deaths, including 17 on Day 1 and 25 on Day 2, occurred consistently, and Corona 19’s death rate was 1.52%. As of today, there have been 929 new quarantines, a total of 44,507 (70.37%) have been quarantined, and 17,775 people are currently in quarantine. There are 355 patients with severe gastric disorders.

Crown 19 confirmed patients accumulated since August.  Graphic = Younghee Kim 02@joongang.co.kr

Crown 19 confirmed patients accumulated since August. Graphic = Younghee Kim [email protected]

Crown 19 confirmed patients accumulated since August.  Graphic = Younghee Kim 02@joongang.co.kr

Crown 19 confirmed patients accumulated since August. Graphic = Younghee Kim [email protected]

Reporter Lee Tae-yoon [email protected]

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