[정치]Disagreement over government ministries and disagreement … Crisis to abolish Jeju special law 4/3


President Moon Jae-in urged last month to deal with the ‘Special Law 4 · 3’
The opposition party, the so-called “committee”, opened the so-called special law examination … Finally
The Ministry of Strategy and Finance offset the amount of KRW 1.8 trillion
Repeating the position as it was a year ago, the ruling legislator also wrote


The ruling party’s decision on the amendment to Jeju Special Law 4/3, which was in danger of being automatically abolished after the end of the 20th National Assembly, was delayed but no agreement was reached.

The government devised a plan that was not coordinated between ministries a year ago, and the opposition party blamed the government and was unwilling to deal with the bill.

Reporter Choi Min-ki reports.


President Moon Jae-in, who attended Jeju’s 4/3 memorial service last month, called for immediate treatment of special 4/3 law saying there is no more time.

[문재인 대통령(지난달 3일) : 기본적 정의로서의 실질적인 배상과 보상이 실현될 수 있도록 계속 노력해 나가겠습니다. 정치권과 국회에도 ‘4·3 특별법 개정’에 대한 특별한 관심과 지원을 당부합니다.]

Before the end of the 20th National Assembly, opposition lawmakers launched a special jurisdiction of the special law 4/3, two years and five months.

However, when I started arguing, the disagreement between government departments was too great.

The revised bill includes provisions for the reparation and compensation of survivors, the invalidation of illegal military trials, and the prohibition of slander and distortion of Case 4/3, but none of the opinions has been gathered.

The biggest obstacle was the compensation amount of 1.8 trillion won and the amount of compensation.

The Ministry of Strategy and Finance expressed negative opinions and said that it is necessary to carry out sufficient publicity, as well as to estimate costs, since it requires a large amount of financial resources.

However, even the ruling party was criticized for having the same level of repetition that had been called to the National Assembly a year ago.

Furthermore, there was concern that the non-prohibition provisions of the amendment would collide with existing legal systems, such as defamation.

[이채익 / 국회 행정안전위원회 법안심사 소위원회 위원장(미래통합당) : (정부는) 제주 4.3 사건 비방·왜곡·날조 등 이 법안이 기존의 어떤 법체계를 뛰어넘지 않느냐 하는….]

The Ministry of Justice expressed difficulties to annul the military trial held on April 3.

The Democratic Party proposed passing the debate to the entire meeting with the urgency of handling the bill, but the United Nations argued that the problem was not only financial, but could not pass the bill.

Finally, the third legislative subcommittee of the 20th National Assembly collapsed, and the deceased relatives awaiting the first trial continued again.

[송승문 / 제주 4·3 유족회장 : (여당 의원들은) 우리가 임기 내에 (법안을) 틀자, 이렇게 제안했지만 이채익 위원장께서는 답이 없기 때문에….]

The only way left is to reach an agreement on handling the amendments to the special law in negotiations between the rulers and opposition leaders, but even without an agreement between government departments, even this is useless.

For a total of 2 years and 5 months, the government and politicians ended up taking out only the votes.

Meanwhile, the 20th National Assembly is now only full, and despite the desperate appeal of victims and survivors, special law 4/3 is in danger of being automatically abolished.

YTN Choi Min-ki[[email protected]]is.
